雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 進匯醫務中心提供家庭為本的專科醫療服務,致力於提供高質素、高效率的醫療服務。

  2. We are dedicated to providing premier holistic healthcare through comprehensive and professional services which are patient-centered. Our Values Empathy • Expertise • Excellence

  3. Premier Medical Centre. We are a group of dedicated doctors who believe in working together to provide the highest professional standard of care to our patients. Our centre was established in 2006 by 5 doctors who share a common vision of providing quality care to members of the whole family.

  4. 進匯醫務中心. 「進匯醫務中心」由5位醫生於 2006 年成立,提供以家庭為本的醫療服務,現已發展成為一所專科醫務中心,提供多項專科的多元化醫療服務,為家庭的每一位成員提供高質素、高效率的醫療服務。. We are a group of dedicated doctors who believe in working ...

  5. 地址 香港中環畢打街 1號中建大廈 718室. 營業時間. 星期一至五:早上9:00-下午6:30. 星期六:早上9:00-下午2:00. 星期日及公眾假期: 不營業. 電話 3651 1733. Whatsapp : 5541 8538. 傳真: 2868 3129. 電郵 nurse-fp@premiermedical.com.hk.

  6. ALL clinic services will be suspended for the day* 9:30am or later *Remark: For patients who could not attend the appointments due to above arrangement, our staff will contact you on the next working day for rescheduling.

  7. 學歷資格:. 澳洲新南威爾斯大學內外全科醫學士 、 香港中文大學家庭醫學碩士、香港大學感染及傳染病學深造文憑、澳洲皇 家全科醫學院院士、香港家庭醫學學院院士.

  8. 楊寶筠醫生是Premier Medical Centre的內科專科醫生,擅長治療心臟病、高血壓等疾病,可用廣東話、英語、普通話溝通,歡迎預約。

  9. Affiliated Hospitals: Hong Kong Adventist Hospital (Stubbs Road), Canossa Hospital, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital. Whatsapp : 5541 0106. About PMC. Premier Medical Centre.

  10. It is always better to prevent disease than to treat it. The cornerstone to good health is a healthy lifestyle. This means regular exercise, healthy eating.

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