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    IPA [ˈreləvəns]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 相關 to have relevance to sth. 和某事物有關係
  2. noun [ U ] uk / ˈrel.ə.v ə ns / us / ˈrel.ə.v ə ns / (also relevancy) Add to word list Add to word list. C1. the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about. 相關性;實用性;意義. What relevance does that point have to the discussion? 那一點和我們正在討論的議題有甚麽相關性嗎? 反義詞. irrelevance. 减少例句.

  3. C1. the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about. 相关性;实用性;意义. What relevance does that point have to the discussion? 那一点和我们正在讨论的议题有什么相关性吗? 反义词. irrelevance. 减少例句. I understand what you are saying but I don't understand the relevance to this discussion.

  4. relevance 在英語中的意思. noun [ U ] uk/ˈrel.ə.vəns/us/ˈrel.ə.vəns/(alsorelevancy) C1. the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about: What relevance does that point have to the discussion? 反義詞. irrelevance. 更多範例. I understand what you are saying but I don't understand the relevance to this discussion.

  5. 1.關聯;適宜;中肯. 2.相關性;實用性Honestly, I don't see any relevance between the strike and the employees' welfares. 坦白說,我看不出這次的罷工與員工的福利有任何相關性。.

  6. n. 重要性; 意义; 相关性; 关联;适当;中肯. 词态变化. 副词: relevantly; 形容词: relevant; 实用场景例句. 全部. 相关性. 关联. 实用性. Politicians' private lives have no relevance to their public roles... 政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色不相关。 柯林斯高阶英语词典. There are additional publications of special relevance to new graduates. 还有对于新毕业生来说特别重要的其他出版物。 柯林斯高阶英语词典.

  7. 在英文解释里: applicability - application - bearing - pertinence - practical consequence - resonance - topicality. 中文: 关联. 同义词: relevancy, connection, importance, bearing, pertinence, 更多…… 习惯性搭配: the relevance of her [words, comments, advice, question], underestimated the relevance of his [words], a matter of [no, little, great] relevance, 更多……

  8. 『欧路词典』为您提供relevance的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的relevance中文意思,relevance的读音,relevance的同义词,relevance的反义词,relevance的例句。