Safety Officers play a significant role in ensuring the occupational safety and health performance of an organization in a number of proactive measures such as safety inspection, safety trainings, safety audits and safety plans.
2018年7月15日 · 本課程旨在提供有關職業安全及健康的知識,為有志成為安全主任的人士提供進修途徑。 課程符合勞工處註冊成為「安全主任」的學歷要求。 畢業生如具備所需的有關經驗,可申請註冊為安全主任。 有關註冊為安全主任的詳細要求,請查閱勞工署網頁。 此課程為「Vplus專才進修資助-- Vplus工程專才」的合資格課程。 在此計劃下,獲批資助的申請人可獲退還合資格課程60%的已繳學費,上限為每人45,000元。
畢業生如具備政府規例要求的有關工作經驗,可向勞工處申請註冊成為築地盤安全主任。 (i) 持有認可的屋宇、建造、土木、結構工程、測量的學位或文憑或高級證書或同等學歷; (ii) 有二年建造工地工程工作經驗;及 (iii) 獲僱主推薦者優先考慮。 或 持有香港建造學院「建造業及安全操作證書」 **所有申請將設甄選。 申請人或需參與入學面試/筆試。 即使申請人符合最低入學要求,並不保證能獲得取錄。 1. 出席率達80%或以上 (工地參觀、工作坊及課程輔導堂等,但不包括考試在內);及 2. 每科考試合格及習作 (4科考試及1份個人專題習作),並將以英文作答。 本年度的報名期已於2024年10月20日結束,暫不接受新申請。 開課日期: 暫定為2024年12月.
The “Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and Regulations” enacted in 1997 emphasizes the share of responsibilities between employers and employees in achieving occupational health and safety in the workplace.
The Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health (Dip in OSH) programme is designed for those who are working, or planning to work, in the field of Occupational Safety and Health and wish to become Registered Safety Officers in Hong Kong.
This course is designed to provide the necessary occupational safety and health knowledge to enable supervisors to establish and maintain high standards of health and safety at work. By the end of the course, each participant should have a basic knowledge of
課程將為學生提供基礎和全面的職安健專業培訓,以助他們在公共和私營機構應對和解決職安健問題。 本學科單元旨在使學生具備職業安全及健康方面的知識和實務技能,特別是在建造行業,以使他們能制定和建議有效的措施來應對與職安健相關問題。 1. 香港職業安全及健康法例. 2. 香港的職業病. 3. 職業安全及健康管理. 4. 量度和監測健康和安全水平. 本學科單元旨在為學生提供有關預防職業病、識別健康危害、風險評估、控制措施和工作場所人體工學的基礎知識,讓他們能夠發展職業衞生策略和實踐方法。 1. 基礎職業衞生. 2. 職業衞生的原理和風險管理. 3. 危害識別和評估. 4. 風險管理技能和實務. 5. 管理人體工學. 本學科單元旨在教授香港安全法例的基本概念、原則及其應用。 1. 香港法律系統. 2.
2018年7月15日 · This programme provides a specific training on safety and health for the learners aim to be a safety officer. - Learners' performance in each module will be assessed by Continuous Assessment (CA) and End-of-Module Assessment (EA). The assessments will be conducted in English. - Duration: 198 hrs.
Safety Officers play a significant role in ensuring the occupational safety and health performance of an organization in a number of proactive measures such as safety inspection, safety trainings, safety audits and safety plans.
This programme is the only undergraduate degree programme in safety and health for the construction industry offered by a local university. The programme content can be broadly divided into two areas: environmental protection and occupational safety and