雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited has been one of the most distinguished local Chinese banks in Hong Kong. Our business network reaches across Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas, also stretches to United Kingdom, the United States of America, Shanghai and Shenzhen, offering our customers comprehensive banking services with convenience.

  2. 上海商業銀行有限公司. 上海商業銀行 (「本行」)提醒其客戶需採取合理的保安措施,以免户口被騙徒盗用,措施包括適時更新個人資料及保護用於驗證客戶身份的安全認證碼。 客戶亦需對銀行發出的交易通知信息保持警惕,及應立即向本行報告任何未經授權的交易。 重要提示:【精明使用銀行戶口】 近年不當使用銀行戶口相關的金融罪案日益增多,本行特此提醒客戶注意以下事項,以保障客戶自身利益及共同打擊金融罪案: 1. 應配合銀行進行盡職審查,並適時更新賬戶資料. 2. 不應使用個人戶口作商業用途. 3. 切勿讓未經授權人士使用戶口或協助第三者處理交易. 洗黑錢是一項罪行,如有人知道或有合理理由相信任何財產全部或部分、直接或間接代表任何人的販毒或可公訴罪行得益而仍處理該財產,即屬犯罪。

  3. www.shacombank.com.hk › tch › about聯絡我們

    聯絡我們. 如有任何查詢,歡迎透過以下途徑聯絡我們,本行職員將竭誠為您服務。 客戶服務熱線: (852) 2818 0282 電郵表格 親臨分行. 一般查詢. 有關網頁、產品資訊及服務查詢,請致電熱線 (852) 2818 0282 。 報告可疑銀行活動 / 交易或詐騙行為. 如欲報告可疑銀行活動 / 交易或詐騙行為,請致電我們的熱線 (852) 2818 0282 。 24小時報失卡熱線. - 信用卡報失熱線: (852) 2818 8236. - 上銀卡報失熱線: (852) 2818 0282. 客戶意見. 本行十分重視客戶的寶貴意見。 歡迎透過以下途徑向我們反映意見: 填妥並交回「客戶意見書」。 可 按此下載 或蒞臨本行 各分行 索取意見書。

  4. Check the Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. clearing codes and branch codes in Hong Kong. Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. has 45 branches in HK. (Click on branch name to get more details about the branch.) Branch. Address. Clearing Code. Branch code. Aberdeen Branch. 118 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong.

  5. Get details of Head Office branch of Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. . Head Office branch has clearing code '025' and branch code '328'. The address of Head Office branch is Basement, Manning House, 48 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.

  6. Shanghai Commercial Bank Hong Kong Branches. SCB Aberdeen. Branch address: 118 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen. Hong Kong, China. Tel: +852 2553 9218. Fax: +852 2873 4025. SCB Causeway Bay. Branch address:

  7. Address of the principal place of business in Hong Kong. SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BANK TOWER, 12 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG. Address of the principal place of business outside Hong Kong (only for those incorporated outside Hong Kong) HKMA register of securities staff of Authorized Institutions. Search Securities Staff.

  8. 香港分行為上海商業儲蓄銀行的第一家海外分行,為提升本地及台商客戶在海外發展所需的國際金融服務,除維持本行原國際金融業務分行 (OBU)及香港上海商業銀行 (SCB)的優勢外,並建立以香港分行的金流平台,進一步滿足本行客戶在大中華區的金融服務,成為兩岸三地最佳的華人銀行之ㄧ。 業務代表聯絡資訊. 授信業務聯絡人: 陳志鵬:852-39601202. 謝魁玉:852-39601206. 楊詩軒:852-39601201. 柯怡君:852-39601205. 外匯作業聯絡人. 賴一江:852-39601198. 理財業務聯絡人. 余宜蓉:852-39601169. 郭怡汝:852-39601288. 香港分行資訊.

  9. Incorporated in November 1950, Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited ("the Bank") has been one of the most distinguished local Chinese banks in Hong Kong. At present, we have 50 branches across Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas, with a business network reaching the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Shanghai and Shenzhen, to offer ...

  10. Get details of Waterloo Road Branch of Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. . Waterloo Road Branch has clearing code 025 and branch code 337. The address of Waterloo Road Branch is 84K Waterloo Road, Homantin, Hong Kong.

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