雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. admin.shoplineapp.comshopline


  2. SHOPLINE 提供開網店、社交媒體購物、iPad POS 等系統服務,由網店設計、直播購物,到庫存管理都能一站完成,助你輕鬆開店!已有超過 60 萬店家在 SHOPLINE 成功開店,立即加入輕鬆創建你的網店王國!

  3. 高階計劃(目前已不支援新用戶申請):支援最多五個管理員設定 豪華計劃 / 尊尚計劃 / O2O方案(目前已不支援新用戶申請以上計畫):支援最多十個管理員設定 企業旗艦方案(目前已不支援新用戶申請)、「進階商店管理權限」模組:支援無限個管理員設定 步驟一 前往「商店後台 > 設定 ...

  4. Quick Login with Google Account If you are logging into SHOPLINE for the first time using your Google account, please follow these steps: On the login page, click Sign in with Google.If you are already logged into your Google account, SHOPLINE will automatically

  5. admin.myshoplinestg.comSHOPLINE


  6. Designing Your Online Store Upon logging in, simply click Select a template in the Decorate the online shop section.This takes you straight to the Online Store design page—the pivotal starting point for crafting your store look. On the Online Store page of your admin panel, feel free to choose the best skin for your store from over 20 available free templates in the Theme shop.

  7. 直播 Live 直播工具|SHOPLINE 後台管理 App Live 直播|SHOPLINE 後台管理 App 功能概覽 訊息管理|SHOPLINE 後台管理 App 功能概覽|SHOPLINE 後台管理 App

  8. SHOPLINE 常見問題 基本設定 管理員設定 管理員設定 匯出報表啟用雙重驗證 後台資安維護功能 商店後台與管理員帳號的雙重 ...

  9. SHOPLINE Help Center Basic Settings Admin Members Settings Admin Members Settings Two-Factor Authentication for Exporting Reports SHOPLINE Admin Data Security Features Two-Factor Authentication Settings of Admin Panel or Staff Members Edit or

  10. Live Livestream Tools|SHOPLINE Admin App Livestream Setup | SHOPLINE Admin App Feature Introduction Message Management | SHOPLINE Admin App Feature

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