雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. South Island Place 坐落於黃竹坑,與中環近在咫尺,是區內首屈一指的嶄新甲級商廈,並由太古地產管理。 企業新領域 轉瞬即達

  2. Discover South Island Place, the finest Grade A offices in Wong Chuk Hang! Moments from Central, the stunning new development is managed by Swire Properties.

  3. South Island Place為你提供便利及激發靈感的場所:置身恬靜的天台花園,飽覽香港仔避風塘的絕色海景,一切都豁然開朗;當你食指一動,你可移步 到地下的咖啡店,輕嘗咖啡美食。

  4. South Island Place是區內提供首屈一指的嶄新甲級商廈,寬敞樓層、靈活間隔與環保元素可配合各種時尚室內設計。 返回 實現你的設計

  5. Convenient and inspiring South Island Place offers all occupants a roof garden to relax and to enjoy views of Aberdeen Harbour. There's also an onsite Café.

  6. South Island Place 坐落於黃竹坑,與中環近在咫尺,是區內首屈一指的嶄新甲級商廈,並由太古地產管理。

  7. 進駐South Island Place不但享有優越地利,更可與商界精英並肩馳騁商場。 眾多知名保險、金融、專業服務、零售、建築及媒體品牌皆以黃竹坑為業務據點;菁英薈萃營造出朝氣蓬勃的企業聚落,期待你強勢加盟。

  8. South Island Place has some of the largest floor plates in the area. And generous core to curtain wall spans of up to 27m. This means you have lots of space and flexibility to design fresh and exciting layouts for your office to inspire your staff, and impress your

  9. South Island Place四周滿佈種類繁多的餐飲選擇,豐儉由人,讓你以味蕾體會生活的另一面。 由高級餐飲到特色咖啡店、從地道美食到私房菜,每種都令人躍躍欲試、驚喜不斷;如需與時間競賽,你可透過區內效率超卓的外賣網絡,填飽肚子再拼搏!

  10. South Island Place榮獲綠建環評新建建築 (1.2版) 最終鉑金級。 綠建環評是香港對環保建築的評級機構,並鼓勵社會採用綠色辦公樓設計及營運方式。 English 聯絡我們 版權聲明 資料私隱及保安政策 免責條款

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