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  1. St Pauls is home to a spectacular array of art – from the delicate carvings of Grinling Gibbons in the quire to Sir James Thornhill's gilded dome murals. Modern works created by many decorated artists, including Yoko Ono and Antony Gormley, enrich the daily pattern of worship in the Cathedral.

  2. St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral in London, England, the seat of the Bishop of London. The cathedral serves as the mother church of the Diocese of London. It is on Ludgate Hill at the highest point of the City of London.

  3. Visit St Paul's Cathedral. St Paul's, with its world-famous dome, is an iconic feature of the London skyline. We welcome visitors to worship, to sightsee and to attend a dynamic programme of events – from orchestral performances to thought-provoking panel discussions.

  4. 圣保罗座堂 (英語: St Paul's Cathedral ;另譯為 圣保罗大教堂 ),是 英国圣公会 伦敦教区 的 主教座堂 ,坐落于 伦敦市 , 巴洛克建筑 的代表,以其壮观的 圓頂 而闻名。. 现存建筑建于17世纪。. 原址教堂最初建立於西元604年,早期建築多次遭火災與海盜破壞 ...

  5. 聖保羅座堂 (英語: St Paul's Cathedral ;另譯為 聖保羅大教堂 ),是 英國聖公會 倫敦教區 的 主教座堂 ,坐落於 倫敦市 , 巴洛克建築 的代表,以其壯觀的 圓頂 而聞名。 現存建築建於17世紀。 原址教堂最初建立於西元604年,早期建築多次遭火災與海盜破壞,直至1087年後情況才有改觀。 舊聖保羅座堂 於1148年完成,而後維持了數百年的榮境,在中世紀成為信仰中心。 十六世紀宗教改革的浪潮中,原本的聖保羅教堂( 哥德式建築 )從建築結構到內部組織都受到了強烈的衝擊,1561年閃電擊中了教堂代表性的尖塔,火焰毀損了主要木造結構,雖有修復計畫,又因內戰停擺並未完成。 1650年代,建築已處於嚴重失修的狀態,直至1666年 倫敦大火 ,教堂建築幾乎付之一炬。

  6. Book today. Explore the Cathedral. History and Collections. Discover St Paul's turbulent history and the rare artefacts that help to tell its stories. Explore our map. Explore the Cathedral Floor, Crypt and Dome – and see the location of key items in our Collections – by using our interactive map. Find out more. Our timeline.

  7. Discover the stunning architecture and rich history of St. Paul's Cathedral, a masterpiece of Baroque style designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Explore the cathedral's impressive façade, iconic dome, ornate decorations, and intricate carvings, and learn why it is one of London's most iconic landmarks.

  8. 2024年7月2日 · Saint Paul’s Cathedral, in London, cathedral of the Anglican bishop. It is located within the central City of London, atop Ludgate Hill and northeast of Blackfriars. A Roman temple to Diana may once have stood on the site, but the first Christian cathedral there

  9. The cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognisable sights of London. Its dome, framed by the spires of Wren's City churches, has dominated the skyline for over 300 years. At 365 feet (111 m) high, it was the tallest building in London from 1710 to 1963. The dome remains among the highest in the world.

  10. It is one of London's most iconic landmarks, a hugely popular tourist attraction and a national treasure. St Paul's Cathedral is also a symbol of London's resilience and endurance, having survived wars, fires and countless other challenges throughout its history.