雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. St Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) The Positive Side of COVID-19.

  2. St Paul's Convent School, Primary Section is a Catholic primary school for girls from 6 to 12, sponsored and administered by the Sisters of St Paul de Chartres, an international Congregation founded in France in the year 1696. The Sisters came to Hong Kong in

  3. 聖保祿學校 (小學部) St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) St. Paul Convent. 學校位置 :灣仔區 › 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道140號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 私立、女校、天主教,全年學費約 $55,000. 香港有 47 間私立小學,佔整體約 9%;香港有 19 間女子小學,佔整體約 4%;香港有 109 間天主教小學,佔整體約 21%。 了解更多: 小學分佈圖表 。 香港小學分佈詳述 。 有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書 。 教學語言. 學校以英文為教學語言. 全港有大約 545 間小學,當中只有 9% 以英文為教學語言,65% 的小學以中文為教學語言,其餘 26% 中英並重,雙語教學。

  4. Learn about the education philosophy, curriculum and activities of St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section), a Catholic girls' school in Hong Kong.

  5. St. Pauls Convent School aims to provide a seamless bilingual education for girls in a happy and motivating learning environment, so that they will learn to embrace the Paulinian heritage of Truth, Beauty, Goodness,

  6. Our Principal - Sister Margaret Wong

  7. 2023年9月1日 · Positive values and attitudes, which is also the school's core value, is inculcated into our daily school life through morning assemblies, Moral lessons, Religious Education, Classmistress Periods and a number of activities.

  8. Form One Admission (2024-2025) SPCS is a Catholic school for girls with a longstanding history of nurturing and developing young people’s potentials in pursuit of their dreams in life. Our school’s unique vision and mission of providing an all-round quality education is recognized by renowned institutions worldwide.

  9. 2024年3月22日 · 巴黎奧運將於2024年7月26日開幕香港游泳隊代表成員何詩蓓校友將於開幕禮翌日率先出戰女子400米自由泳至於200米自由泳的初賽及準決賽將於7月28日舉行7月29日則舉行決賽。 曾在東京奧運奪得兩面銀獎的何詩蓓令全港市民無比振奮,本校全體師生預祝何詩蓓今次勇創佳績,凱旋歸來,為香港爭光! 大家齊為所有參加巴黎奧運的港隊成員打氣! 加油啊! 校園消息. 更多. 22/03/2024 「申請重設帳戶密碼」表格. 26/08/2024 一年級學生適應日及家長會. 12/07/2024 小一新生家長會. 更多. 校園相片. 28/02/2024. 參與何詩蓓分享會. 12/07/2024. 全港小學體育獎勵計劃 (港島東區)最佳運動員 及 屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎.

  10. school's virtual tour Morning Assembly 2024-06-24 Hint: Unfortunately your browser does not have Flash Player installed or the Flash Player version is outdated.

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