雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 辦公時間. 本局地址. 香港九龍啟德協調道5號税務中心. 如何前往啟德税務中心. (資料只供參考,如有更改,以有關機構的公佈為準。 返回頁首. 税務局辦公室的辦公時間. 返回頁首.

  2. Stamp Duty Stamp Office 1/F, Inland Revenue Centre 5 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong [PO Box No. 28827 of Concorde Road Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong] Counter Service Monday to Friday 8:45 am to 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

  3. 印花稅. 從價印花稅. 買家印花稅. 額外印花稅. 住宅物業的需求管理措施. 吸引人才措施:暫免合資格外來人才繳付印花税(俗稱「先免後徵」). 吸引人才措施:向合資格外來人才退還印花税(俗稱「先徵後退」). 滬港通及深港通交易的印花稅. 內地與香港基 ...

  4. Stamp duty on document for the sale, transfer and lease of immovable property and transfer of Hong Kong stock are charged at different rates. Learn more about stamp duty rates here. Time Limit for Stamping & Deferring Payment of Stamp Duty on Residential Property Transactions

  5. Agreement for sale and purchase of residential properties should be stamped within 30 days after execution of the earliest agreement for the same transaction (e.g. a provisional agreement) except otherwise provided in the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117).

  6. 額外印花税」是根據物業交易的代價款額或物業市值 (以較高者為準) , 按賣方或轉讓方轉售或轉讓前持有物業的不同持有期而定的税率計算 : 除非獲豁免,「買家印花税」適用於在2012年10月27日或之後但在2024年2月28日前簽立的住宅物業買賣協議及售賣轉易契。 「買家印花税」是按物業交易的代價款額或物業市值 (以較高者為準),以7.5% (適用於在2023年10月25日至2024年2月27日期間簽立的文書)或15% (適用於在2012年10月27日至2023年10月24日期間簽立的文書)的税率計算。 以下連結載有「額外印花税」及 「買家印花税」的常見問題及計算例子。 常見問題︰額外印花税 闡明「額外印花税」的應用及計算方法例子 常見問題︰買家印花税 闡明「買家印花税」的應用及計算方法例子.

  7. 2 天前 · Inland Revenue Department. Unit Three. Stamp Office. Address. 1st floor, Inland Revenue Centre, 5 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Remarks: 1.For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code "852" before the telephone number (not applicable to overseas offices).

  8. 2014年2月28日 · Stamp Duty Relief Intra Group Relief Subject to the conditions set out in section 45 of the Stamp Duty Ordinance ("the Ordinance"), stamp duty relief is available for the transfer of immovable property or shares from one associated body corporate to another.

  9. Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has developed a simple Stamp Duty Computation Program to help you calculate the stamp duty payable on property transfer instruments (i.e. agreements for sale of residential properties or agreements for sale of non-residential properties) or tenancy agreements.

  10. The Stamp Duty Ordinance ( Cap. 117 of the Laws of Hong Kong) imposes duty/tax on certain types of documents. Although stamp duty bears the word “stamp”, it is totally irrelevant to postage stamps. In general, the payment of stamp duty enables some specified documents to be recognized and enforceable by the Hong Kong courts.