雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 體會了「多練習便會有成果」的道理,並學懂永不放棄的精神。. 經過一年多的鍛練,她已由「不喜歡游泳」變成了「很喜歡游泳」。. 比之前強壯及重了,生病感冒的次數少了,痊癒的時間快了,以前要一星期,現在1-2日已好了,不怕水,洗澡都好開心玩水 ...

  2. Continuous swim practice can promote the development of children’s nervous system and muscle building, as well as the muscle strength and flexibility. Stress Release Swimming can reduce stress level so that children can face homework and examinations with greater ease

  3. 生病:需上載印有學生姓名的醫生紙、藥水或藥丸包。. (可申請回三日前的病假) 學校活動:需上載相關學校活動通告。. (需於請假當日24小時前申請) 離境旅遊:需上載相關旅遊證明。. (需於請假當日24小時前申請) 紅事:需上載相關證明。. (需於請假當日24小時前申請 ...

  4. Established in 1998, Stanford Swim School (“Stanford”) is the largest in Hong Kong, and the very first to be awarded with international professional recognition. Currently, operating 21 in-door heated pools in Hong Kong, Stanford also set up its branch schools in Sydney and Brisbane in Australia.

  5. 媒體報導. 購物網. 我們的願景. 將健康、快樂、自信帶給每一個小朋友. 全港最大規模游泳學校. 史丹福游泳學校創立於1998年,為全港最大規模及首間榮獲多個國際專業認證的游泳學校,現時於香港營運20個室內暖水泳池,並於澳洲悉尼及布里斯班設有分校,提供 ...

  6. 史丹福專利習泳課程 [Stanford Path],讓小朋友易於掌握,教練每堂紀錄學員進度,讓小組教學媲美私人課堂。.

  7. 購物網. 1. 電話報名:致電熱線2267 8866,我們將有專人為您安排。. 2. 傳真報名:填妥報名表後,將表格傳真至2322 1396,稍後將有專人回覆。. 3. 電郵報名:填妥報名表後,將表格電郵至 cs@stanfordswim.com.hk,稍後將有專人回覆。. 4. 網上報名: 按此前往報名.

  8. 19 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong. United Christian College (Kowloon East) 2 Lee On Lane, Kwun Tong. P.L.K. Ngan Po Ling College. 26 Sung On Street To Kwa Wan. Nord Anglia International School (Lam Tin) 11 On Tin Street, Lam Tin. 3 Fo Chun Road, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong. Angela Leong On Kei Swimming Pool Complex (Near PLK HKTA Yuen ...

  9. Stanford strives to explore an effective swimming coaching method with an aim to inspire children swim as a healthy sports. Thanks to the efforts of our professional coaches, Stanford has gained recognition both locally and internationally, including,

  10. Address:15 Floor, 9 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Hotline:2267-8866. Fax:2322-1396. Email: cs@stanfordswim.com.hk. Download application form. Check location, schedule and fee. Visit our pools. Check out Stanford indoor heated pools. Lets us show you our quality courses.