雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. THE AURORA is located in Tsuen Wan District (Address: 88 YEUNG UK ROAD, HMA: Tsuen Wan West). There are a total of 3 blocks, providing 840 residential units. The saleable area of THE AURORA ranges from 217 sq.ft. to 2,022 sq.ft. .

  2. 樓盤設住客會所Club Aurora佔地21,694方呎,設施包括25 米戶外游泳池、多用途宴會廳、瑜伽室、音樂室、閱讀室、兒童遊樂場和健身室等。 戶外設15,806方呎空中花園及70,188方呎綠化區域及康樂設施。

  3. 映日灣 屋苑資料. 映日灣位於荃灣西楊屋道88號(中原樓市片區:荃灣西)。. 映日灣共有3座,提供840個單位。. 映日灣的實用面積由217呎至2,022呎。. 小學校網為62。. 中學校網為荃灣區。.

  4. 映日灣 (英語: The Aurora)是位於 香港 新界 荃灣 楊屋道 88號的私人屋苑,於2020年5月落成。 屋苑由 億京發展及策劃有限公司 發展,管理公司為 映日灣物業服務有限公司。 屋苑在2019年8月 反修例運動 期間開售,入票反應未受影響,首推354伙單位在開售首天已經沽清。 [1] 歷史. 屋苑連同旁邊的 Plaza 88 所在地前身為 荃灣運動場。 到2013年政府將該處劃作商業及住宅綜合地皮,佔地約15.24萬方呎,並劃分為A及B地盤兩部分,分別作商業用途和住宅發展,為荃灣市中心最後一幅大型地皮。 [2] 地政總署在2014年進行招標,最後有11家財團入標,包括長實及新地等五大發展商。

  5. www.billion.hk › en › projectsBillion | The Aurora

    Located at 88 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan West, New Territories, The Aurora was completed in 2020. Nestled within the Tsuen Wan residential area, it enjoys close proximity to several shopping malls. Comprising three buildings, the project features a total of 840 units, ranging from cozy studios to spacious five-bedroom apartments and duplex units, offering practical living spaces spanning from ...

  6. The Aurora, developed by Billion Development and Project Management Ltd, is located at 88 Yeung Uk Road. The Aurora page on Centanet.com provides the most updated information about The Aurora, including Sales Brochures, Price Lists, Sales Arrangements, Register of transactions, floor plans, videos and / or VR clips, etc.

  7. The Aurora is located at 88 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan West, New Territories. The developer is BILLION DEV., the Occupation date starts from February 2020. It consists of 3 buildings with a total of 840 residential units, designed from Studio to 5 bedrooms, with salesable area from 217 to 2,022 sq.ft..