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  1. 2023年8月10日 · Pseudoephedrine and triprolidine is a combination antihistamine and decongestant medicine that is used to treat runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and sinus congestion caused by allergies or the common cold. Pseudoephedrine and triprolidine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

  2. Pseudoephedrine為擬交感神經興奮劑,其血管縮作用可使鼻腔、支氣管黏膜之腫脹消失,減少充血和水腫現象。 Triprolidine為長效性抗組織胺劑,作用持續時間可達12小時。

  3. 偽麻黃鹼Pseudoephedrine的基本資訊. 偽麻黃鹼(Pseudoephedrine)能暫時緩解 鼻塞 、 感染 (感冒 、 流感)所造成的鼻竇疼痛及 呼吸道疾病 (花粉熱 、 過敏 、 支氣管炎)。. Pseudoephedrine是一種擬交感神經的減充血劑,透過縮小血管來減少充血及腫脹的情形 ...

  4. Triprolidine + Pseudoephedrine: Belongs to the class of systemic sympathomimetic preparations used as nasal decongestants. Our drug directory offers in-depth details on its uses, side effects, and more.

  5. 過敏反應是指當身體暴露於特定的過敏原(allergen)時,經由體內一連串的免疫反應、發炎反應,而導致不同器官產生症狀。. 若因接觸過敏原而產生鼻腔症狀,如以打噴嚏、流鼻水、鼻塞、眼睛鼻子搔癢表現,即可能經醫師診斷為過敏性鼻炎。. 患者也可能因 ...

  6. 藥品成分名. Triprolidine 2.5 mg + Pseudoephedrine 60 mg. 藥品外觀. 淺黃色,正方形,錠劑;大小:0.70 公分;標記:[YS] 作用. 鼻福錠為複方產品,可緩解季節性、過敏性及血管運動性鼻炎的相關症狀,如鼻塞、流鼻水、搔癢及打噴嚏。. 用法. 成人或12 歲以上兒童:每次1 錠,一天3-4次 ...

  7. Triprolidine的使用禁忌 慢性支氣管炎、青光眼、肺氣腫、慢性肺疾病、呼吸急促、呼吸困難或因前列腺增生引起之排尿困難患者。 懷孕及哺乳是否能服用Triprolidine?

  8. Pseudoephedrine為擬交感神經興奮劑,其血管縮作用可使鼻腔、支氣管黏膜之腫脹消失,減少充血和水腫現象。 Triprolidine為長效性抗組織胺劑,作用持續時間可達12小時。

  9. Triprolidine + Pseudoephedrine helps to temporarily relieve symptoms of cold and allergies such as stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose or throat, and itchy and watery eyes. How do I take this medicine? Take Triprolidine + Pseudoephedrine exactly as directed by your doctor or according to the instructions on the label.

  10. 英文商品名,Peace Syrup -60mL/Bot,中文商品名,鼻福糖漿,院內碼,FD05M1,ATC code,R01BA52,學名PSEUDOEPHEDRINE 6mg/TRIPROLIDINE 0.25mg,劑量60mL/Bot,劑型內服液劑,藥理分類Adrenergic Agonists / α and β + Antihistamine agnets,藥商/藥廠名稱永信藥品工業股份有限公司,製造廠國名 ...

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