雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月29日 · 1 min read. 保良局陳守仁小學簡介. 保良局陳守仁小學 (P.L.K. Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School)是一所位於油尖旺區的直資全日制小學,學校佔地約4000平方米,為男女校。 學校的辦學宗旨是堅持「五育並重」,旨在提供全面多元化的教育,幫助學生發掘和培養各自的潛能與專長。 校園文化與家校合作. 學校倡導多元文化共融,注重營造和諧關懷的校園氛圍。 成立家長教師會和舊生會,以加強對學生的全方位支持。 學校背景. 創校於1999年,保良局陳守仁小學無宗教背景,由保良局創辦。 現任校長為周智銘先生,校監為 呂鈞堯先生。 校訓為「愛、敬、勤、誠」。 中學聯繫. 該校不設有一條龍中學,亦無直屬或聯繫中學。 師資.

  2. An interview notification letter and a set of name labels will be sent to your home address by post before the interview days. You will receive the letter and labels for the First Interview by 17 Oct (Thu). If not, please call us at 2367 3318 on 18 Oct (Fri) for follow-up.

  3. My child just told me that each kid was given 2 sheets (1st pg - Group A-E for test, written with "Do not turn over"; 2nd pg - marks of the child, just tick and cross) during the interview. They had to pass to the teacher of each group and the teacher had asked the kids not to read the marks on 2nd pg before.

  4. aiya... you have just missed the open day of Camoes TSL school... the interviews use english as principal language. but if you choose chinese as 2nd language, then there will be 2 out of 10 questions in cantonnese or mandarin.

  5. Due to very limited school places available, only shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a written test and an interview when a school place is available. An email and SMS regarding the written test will be sent to each shortlisted applicant’s parent 2.

  6. 2016年11月3日 · 最先進 - TSL保良局陳守仁小學) 佢地網上系統真係好完善,有學校自家Apps 之餘,網上一交完表已立即更新你交表既status 落個PDF 度比家長參考,而且有QR Code比你去便利店交錢,甚至親身去交文件時,大堂個screen顯示輪侯號碼同服務櫃檯,令我以為去咗某電訊 ...

  7. Admission. Developing children's potential to the fullest is an overriding aim of our school. Education is about nurturing the whole child - our school embraces development of the child in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic spheres.

  8. 請問TSL 1st interview 的先後次序是根據以下哪樣安排: 1. 網上申請編號 (號碼越細,越早面試) 2. 親身交文件的先後次序 3. 按小孩的出生月份來安排. #div-gpt-ad-inpost_rectangle1 { float:right; margin-top:1rem; margin-bottom:1rem; } googletag.cmd.push (function () { googletag.display ('div-gpt-ad ...

  9. 2017年5月18日 · 面試流程. 優才. 成功率104 學位/2500 人 ~ 4% 估計今年 (2017)黎緊成功率一定低於3% 6月: 第一次面試 (約 2500 人)只面試學生。 最好著波鞋 ,因爲要跳彈床。 7月:公佈第一次面試結果。 大約1200 人會獲邀第二次面試。 8月:第二次面試 (約 1200 人)。

  10. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Hong Kong’s primary school interviews, shedding light on what to expect, most commonly asked questions, how to prepare, and providing valuable insights to help parents and their little ones navigate this process