雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. What is Clearing? Find out how Clearing works and how to apply for a place. Your Clearing matches. We can match you with courses based on your application. Discover apprenticeships. Uni isn’t the only option. Have you thought about an apprenticeship? Clearing tips. Let us guide you through results day and Clearing.

  2. We’ve been out and about asking students how they’re feeling about the big day and grilling those who’ve been there for their top advice. Our experts explain how Clearing really works, what to do if you change your mind, and how to prepare for uni life.

  3. 2024年6月30日 · UCAS Clearing 主要適合以下三種情況的學生: 學生的最終成績比預期的高:希望透過 UCAS Clearing 來申請更好排名更高的大學。 學生的考試不理想,未達Offer :對於未能達到 Firm Choice 和 Insurance Choice的要求的同學來說, UCAS Clearing 給予了

  4. 2022年7月6日 · 什麼是 Clearing ? UCAS Clearing 為英國大學申請的最終補錄(叩門階段 UCAS 正式申請關閉後部分大學的部分學科仍有空缺,於是各大院校以此向有潛力的申請人發放最後一批 Offer,也就是說, Clearing 是該學年獲得錄取 offer 的最後機會。

  5. Three simple steps to finding your place. Preparing for results day and Clearing. Clearing Choices: UCAS Streetview. Clearing guide for international students. Clearing guide for parents. Who to contact. Available alongside Clearing, this tool is designed to help you find your perfect course.

  6. Clearing runs from mid-July to September each year. You can find out which courses have vacancies through UCAS from mid-August to late September. Not all universities or courses have vacancies,...

  7. 2024年7月5日 · You can use clearing if: you have your exam results; you didn’t receive any offers (or any that you wanted to accept); you've declined your place using the ‘decline my place’ button in your application; you didn’t meet the conditions of your offers; you're applying after 30 June. You may be placed into clearing automatically by UCAS if ...

  8. 什么是Clearing ?. UCAS Clearing 又称为 UCAS 的补录程序,在每年的6月30日至9月30日开放。. Clearing旨在造福没有拿到英国大学offer的同学,提供再次申请的机会和名额,类似于国内的高考补招。. 今年的Clearing从7月3日持续到10月21日。. 2. 什么人可以参与Clearing ?. 一般 ...

  9. 2023年2月11日 · 7月至9月為英國大學聯招補錄階段(UCAS Clearing),亦即家長和學生口中的「叩門」階段,因大部分英國大學(包括高排名大學)會趁這個最後機會把一些尚餘學額的學科,以較原本略低的收生要求招生。 「情形就好比書展最後一日,一眾書商會割價促銷,而讀者就在這『最後階段』傾盡全力爭奪心頭好一樣。 「叩門」前確立選科意向. Vincent建議學生進入Clearing階段前(即這個6月份),應先做好選科的規劃和準備,因他過往接觸的案例中,多會遇見以下3類學生: 有明確升學科目意向,但不確定能否考獲心儀大學要求。 這類學生雖然不確定自己的考試表現,但由於有明確選科方向,最後無論放榜結果如何,依然會朝目標學科向大學「叩門」。 有多個學科意願,打算透過Clearing轉科。

  10. What is UCAS Clearing? UCAS Clearing is for students who are unable to secure an offer from a UK university because: They applied after the June 30th deadline. Exam results fell short of conditional offer requirements. No offers were received, or no offers were accepted.

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