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  1. 4 天前 · Tuition and Fees. Attending UCLA is a valuable investment in your future. In fact, in 2019, Forbes ranked UCLA the No. 4 best value university in the nation, considering price, average student debt, future earnings, education quality and other factors. 2024–2025 Estimated Undergraduate Student Budget.

  2. 加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California, Los Angeles),簡稱UCLA,2020世界排名第14名,該校在2019 Wall Street Journal、THE以及US News多個排名中均高居美國公立大學第一,也是美國申請人數最多的大學。

  3. www.ucla.edu › admission › tuition-and-costTuition & Cost | UCLA

    Tuition & Cost. Undergraduate Tuition. Attending UCLA is a valuable investment in your future, and it costs less than you might think. In fact, Forbes ranked UCLA the No. 1 best value university in the country, considering price, average student debt, future earnings, education quality and other factors. #1.

  4. 公立學校UCLA學雜費包括:學費、食宿費、書本雜費、交通費及保險費等,以住學校宿舍來說,上下學期要價US$66,521(約新台幣200萬),即使有親友可以投宿,也要至少US$57,466(約新台幣167萬);其中約US$29,754(約新台幣87萬)為基本生活費

  5. 4 天前 · 71% of UCLA students graduate with no loan debt. Understand Tuition and Other Costs. This may surprise you, but most families pay less than the full price and many pay no tuition at all. We offer an array of housing options and meal plans — as well as financial aid for housing — so you have flexibility as to how much you pay.

  6. 2022年7月4日 · UCLA 有超過 55% 的大學生能獲得經濟補助,平均資助金額為 $18,808 美元,剩下的學生則可以獲得助學金或獎學金,以幫助學生支付學費。UC Berkeley 有將近 2/3 的學生可以獲得經濟補助,有 38% 的學生獲得超過學雜費的助學金和獎學金,因此不需要再拿錢

  7. 加州大學洛杉磯分校(英語: University of California, Los Angeles ),簡稱 UCLA,是一所位於美國 加利福尼亞州 洛杉磯的公立 研究型大學,創辦於1919年,是加州大學系統中的第三所大學,目前擁有約31,600名本科生與14,300名研究生,提供包括學士、碩士