雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年7月2日 · JS5200 Engineering 工程學係香港科技大學 (UST) 開設嘅一個學士課程。. NoteSity 小編今日邀請一位讀緊 ENGG 嘅學生分享關於呢科嘅實用資訊,希望幫到大家選擇 JUPAS 心儀嘅科目💛. 文章目錄. 一、ENGG 課程簡介. 二、JUPAS 收生分數及準則 (包括:admission score, interview 面試 ...

  2. Through JUPAS, HKUST admits local students taking the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Eligible local HKDSE students interested in studying at HKUST should submit their applications to JUPAS in accordance with the relevant timeline.

  3. 2020年2月21日 · 日期:五月中(以呢個係 UST engineering 嘅interview日期以US網站日期為準) 模式:Group interview, 大概10人一組討論一條題目,冇時間準備. 內容:小編嘅朋友interview嘅題目係:Is Hong Kong a smart city? Why or why not? Interview是否必須的:Interview唔係必須的,可以唔駛interview都入到呢科! 小編建議 而家科技發達,而engineering呢科又同建築、科技有關嘅,建議大家了解多啲有關科技嘅議題,例如人工智能、智能城市等等💡例如係讀phy chem bio嘅同學平時操 dse phy past paper 都可以諗吓呢一科嘅知識同生活有啲咩關係,將智識融入生活!

  4. Minimum Admission Requirements. Subject Score. Subject Weighting. Bonus Points. Scholarships. (A) Academic Scholarships. To recognize students’ achievements in HKDSE examination, the HKUST School of Engineering offers attractive scholarships to students who meet the below award criteria and are admitted to our School through the JUPAS scheme.

  5. 為 2022 JUPAS Engine freshmen 備嘅 Registration 攻略. 當然,Non-JUPAS 嘅朋友都可以入嚟睇下我們為大家準備嘅科大攻略 !. 入面包括咗: 科大Engine介紹、科大衣食住行、JUPAS Registration全攻略、科大Engine嘅學習心得!. ESU 迎新 JS5200 & JS5282 收生資訊 工程學課程簡介 工 ...

  6. 2023年5月11日 · 歡迎應屆及來屆文憑試考生、家長及教師參加!. 立即登記: https://join.hkust.edu.hk/zh-hant/jup... HKUST is coming to your district! Professors, admissions officers, and our ...

  7. 2024年5月22日 · UST interview details: 1,961 interview questions and 1,804 interview reviews posted anonymously by UST interview candidates.

  8. 1. When is the HKUST Business School interview for 2023 JUPAS candidates? The school-wide interview will be held on May 26 and May 28 (Fri & Sun) and June 3-4 (Sat & Sun) in HKUST Lee Shau Kee Business Building.^

  9. 5 天前 · UST interview details: 2,014 interview questions and 1,849 interview reviews posted anonymously by UST interview candidates.

  10. 2022年4月30日 · 考生們除了着緊DSE文憑試放榜,還要為 Jupas放榜 緊張,如果大學聯招Jupas選科令你很苦惱,不妨參考Jupas各個課程的收生分數吧!. 今日, Tutor Circle 尋補 就整理了香港科技大學UST早前公布的 2022年收生數據(Admission Score) ,讓各位2023年應屆的DSE考生參考心儀科 ...

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