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  1. 發送「溫馨提示」提醒同事回覆電郵時可以參考以下例句,較常見會用到“kind reminder” “friendly reminder”, 有些人就總是對期限視若無睹,總是要三催四請才肯把工作完成。

  2. Here's the bit you've all been waiting for, the reminder email samples. In this section, we illustrate how you can generate effective reminder emails that will get results. It doesn't matter whether you want to request documents, demand you get paid, or ensure someone doesn't ditch your meeting — we've got the samples you need.

  3. 2021年2月26日 · We have created a compilation of 40 effective and highly personalized email samples along with situations, in which they will be helpful. In this post, you will find reminder email templates for the following use cases: Link building reminder emails. Content promotion email reminders. Digital PR reminder emails.

  4. 2012年8月21日 · 又有不少人將「溫馨提示」直譯為warm reminder,被人催促,怎會暖在心頭,硬套上「溫馨」二字,實在骨痺。 英文通常稱這類提示為friendly reminders或gentle reminders,用客氣的語調提醒重要事情,以免顯得硬倔無禮貌,迫得太緊。 內容方面,應簡短說明甚麼事 (what)及何時 (when),記得reminder emails必須連同原本的電郵一併寄出,不用更改原先電郵的主旨。 以下有幾個適用於不同情況的reminder emails供參考。 例一,提醒老板出席活動 (必須副傳其秘書): Dear xxx. Kindly be reminded to attend the opening ceremony of xxx.

  5. 首先查看我們的 5 封溫和提醒電子郵件範例! 5 封友善提醒電子郵件範例. 向您展示如何執行此操作會更容易,所以我們會這樣做。 以下有 5 個提醒電子郵件範例,可協助您開始編寫自己的電子郵件。

  6. 2023年4月12日 · In this post, we'll explain how to go about email reminders in a friendly way and share some stellar examples and templates to help you along the way. And if you're in a pinch, jump to the information you need:

  7. 2023年9月21日 · A reminder email is sent to remind the recipient to take a specific action or to ensure they haven’t forgotten something. In professional and academic arenas, reminder emails are often sent to make sure meetings are scheduled, documents are shared, information is acknowledged, and deadlines are met.

  8. 2021年11月4日 · Below are several examples and templates you can swipe from — they'll help you craft kind reminder emails that drive your point home without hurting any feelings. 1. Choose an appropriate subject line

  9. 2024年1月29日 · 35 min read. How to Write Gentle Reminder Email (Includes 26 Reminder Email Templates) Master the art of crafting effective reminder emails with our comprehensive guide. Discover best practices for tone, timing, and personalization to ensure your emails are read and acted upon, enhancing communication and professionalism. Written by. Vikas Jha.

  10. 2024年2月15日 · Fortunately, there are ways to write a friendly reminder email that's both effective and professional. In this tutorial, we explain how to write a friendly reminder email that gets better results. We also share some email best practices and provide an effective reminder email sample you can work from.

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