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  1. 2023年6月29日 · The confirming receipt email creates a record that the item has been received. Its like leaving digital breadcrumbs that can help trace the path of a transaction or communication. In a nutshell, a confirmation of receipt is a way to keep things transparent and organized.

  2. 1. 告知收到某貨品的款項,確認對方付款時間及金額。 (This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your payment for...) 2. 感謝對方及時付款。 (We want to thank you very much for settling the account in such a timely fashion.) 3. 表示期待未來能與對方繼續做生意。 (We look forward to doing business with you in the future.) Sentence Patterns 商務寫作句型. 本信旨在告知本公司已收到貴公司購買(某貨品)的款項。

  3. An acknowledgement receipt of payment email should include all relevant details about the payment, such as the date, amount, and method of payment. Be sure to include any other relevant details that might be useful to the recipient, such as the name of the payee and any relevant contact information. 3.

  4. 例 We hereby confirm receipt of payment. Thank you. We do appreciate your business. 我們以此確認付款已收到,謝謝你。感謝你的惠顧。

  5. Acknowledging the receipt of payment is an essential part of maintaining transparent and professional communication with clients. To assist you in effectively acknowledging payments, we have prepared four templates for sending acknowledgments via email or

  6. Email confirmation templates outline the essential details of an email seeking acknowledgment that the recipient received the correspondence. These templates simplify communication, enabling senders to tailor-fit the content for various occasions while maintaining a professional tone and achieving the dynamic "confirmation" objective.

  7. Thank you for your payment for (order, service, etc.). I can confirm that we received this on (date). I have attached a copy of your receipt to this email. Thanks for your business. (Your name)