雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.yingwa.edu.hk › indexYing Wa College

    Interview Date. Saturday, 13th January 2024. (Fallback date: Sunday, 14th January 2024) Release of Results. Successful applicants and applicants on the waiting list shall be notified by email in March 2024. Registration. Successful applicants shall register with the College by paying the registration fee HKD$1,180.

    • Scholarships

      Ying Wa College Bicentennial Scholarship We believe ...

  2. List for the Interview of S1 Applicants (2023-2024) 中一新生面試名單公佈(2023-2024) The following students will receive an email detailing the date and time of your interview on or after 6pm, 16th December 2022. 下列同學將於二零二二年十二月十六日下午六時後

  3. Suitable applicants will be invited for an interview. Details will be sent to applicants by email within 1 month. Selection will be based on applicants’ academic and non-academic ability as well as performance in the interview.

  4. www.yingwa.edu.hk › indexYing Wa College

    Thank you for your interest in Ying Wa College. The application to S1 (2024-25) admission is already closed. The interview results will be sent to you via email before 6:00 PM on March 8, 2024. Just a friendly reminder, don’t forget to check your “junk mail” folder

  5. 凡符合本校最低入學要求的申請人將獲邀參加面試,面試詳情將會電郵通知。 面試日期. 2024 年 1 月 13 日星期六 (後備日期: 2024年1月14日星期日) 取錄結果公佈. 本校將於2024年3月經電郵通知成功獲取錄的申請人及備取生。 註冊入學. 成功獲取錄的申請人屆時須依指示完成入學登記的程序及繳付註冊費港幣1,180元。 家長須簽署讓 貴子弟入讀本校的「承諾書」及提交「小六學生資料表」予本校保存。 全年學費. 2023-2024年度的學費為港幣24,000元。 預計2024-2025年度中一學生的學費將上調約7%。 助學金及獎學金申請. 本校設有獎助學金機制幫助有經濟需要的學生。 凡在學術或其他範疇有傑出表現的學生可申請本校的獎學金。 「自攜裝置」(BYOD)措施.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. All applicants meeting our minimum requirements will be invited for the interview. Details of the interview will be sent to applicants by email. Interview Dates

  8. You know Ying Wa College will pick 50 non-Ying Wa Primary boys from the 'public sea'. There were many boys in my session (I mean I can see my session only! 3:45pm Feb 28). I wonder how they pick up the 50 boys. Letters will be received by parents on

  1. 其他人也搜尋了