雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 總行. 地址. 九龍長沙灣荔枝角838號勵豐中心12樓1201室. 電話. 31055092. 傳真. 31055095. 網址. https://www.cywz.cn; http://www.wzair.com.cn.

  2. 香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司簡介,香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司位於九龍彌敦道739號金輪大廈15樓G室聯繫電話為:31055092,旅遊牌照號是:352898,官方網站地址是:www.cywz.cn; www.wzair.com.cn,Hopetrip為您提供香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司詳細介紹,主營業務,出行線路等。.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 五洲國際控股有限公司,簡稱 五洲國際控股,以及 五洲國際 (英語:Wuzhou International Holdings Limited,港交所除牌前:1369.HK),於2004年由舒策城(主席)、舒策丸(首席執行官)和舒策員創立名為「無錫中南置業投資有限公司」。. 招股價為1.5港元,全球發售為 ...

    • Contents 目錄
    • 利益相關方溝通
    • 員工
    • 客戶
    • 公眾及社區
    • — 股東週年大會及其他股東大會— 年報、公告及其他公佈的資料— 與投資者會面— 通訊— 公司網站
    • — 商業會議、 電話會議、面談— 檢討及評估— 投標流程
    • — 現場檢驗、檢查— 電話會議及定期會議— 年報及其網站上其他公佈的資料
    • 致力提供優質服務
    • 加大市場安全監管力度
    • 就公平競爭加強監督
    • 加大廣告市場監管力度
    • 避免租戶間惡性競爭
    • 監控物業管理人員服務質量
    • 保護消費者權益並簡化退款程序
    • 供應鏈管理
    • 商業道德
    • 環境管理
    • 排放控制
    • 推廣綠色文化
    • 公平僱傭
    • 培訓效果
    • 二零一九年度第一期行政人事條線培訓
    • — 提升領導技能— 提升辦公技能— 加強消防知識
    • 培訓效果
    • 投資業務、 投資回報、 業務增長培訓
    • 管理技能培訓
    • — 加強及更新軟件系統的應用及使用
    • 員工權益及福利
    • KPIs
    • 排放物
    • 排放物種類及相關排放數據。
    • 溫室氣體總排放量( 以噸計算)(及 如適用)密 度。
    • 所產生無害廢棄物總量( 以噸計算) 及( 如適用)密度。
    • 描述減低排放量的措施及所得成果。
    • 資源使用
    • 總耗水量及密度。
    • 描述能源使用效益計劃及所得成果。
    • 描述求取適用水源上可有任何問題,以及提升用水效益計劃及所得成果。
    • 環境及天然資源
    • 減低發行人對環境及天然資源造成重大影響的政策。
    • 5. 環境保護資源節約
    • 工作條件
    • 按僱傭類型、 年齡組別及地區劃分的僱員總數。
    • 健康與安全
    • 發展及培訓
    • 勞工準則
    • 供應鏈管理
    • 管理供應鏈的環境及社會風險政策。
    • 反貪污
    • 於匯報期內對發行人或其僱員提出並已審結的貪污訴訟案件的數目及訴訟結果。

    About this Report About The Group Sustainability Management Scientific Operation Environmental Protection Our People Community Care ESG Content Index 關於本報告 關於本集團 可持續發展管治 科學運營 環境保護 人才發展 社區關懷

    The Group believes cooperation and commitment of all parties is necessary to achieve sustainable development. We emphasize engagement and communication with every stakeholder including employees, customers, investors and suppliers. Through channels such as annual general meetings, feedback forms and emails, we understand their concerns and recommen...

    — Training, seminars and briefing sessions — Employees’ activities and interest group — Newsletters — Intranet and emails

    — Regular meetings — Website, annual reports, brochures and other published information — Email and customer service hotline — Feedback forms — 定期會議— 網站、 年報、手冊及其他公佈的資料— 電郵及客戶服務熱線— 反饋表

    — Annual general meeting and other shareholders’ meetings — Annual reports, announcements and other published information — Meeting with investors — Newsletters — Company website

    — Business meetings, teleconferences, interviews — Reviews and assessments — Tendering process

    — On-site inspections and checks — Teleconference and regular meetings — Annual reports and other published information on its website

    — Volunteering — Charity and social investment — 志願活動— 慈善及社會投資 The Group is striving to provide quality service to customers and tenants by establishing a series of policies for managing suppliers and the levels of services. We strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in our operations.

    The Group is committed to bringing high quality services and shopping experiences to meet the customers’ expectations. We have adopted measures for maintaining services quality, fair competition environment and protecting the rights and interests of customers. The measures adopted by the Group are presented in the table below. 本集團致力滿足客戶的期望,提供優質的服務和...

    — Launch electronic monitoring systems — Promote operational safety of tenants

    — Eradicate counterfeit products and other inappropriate business behaviors

    — Organize meetings regularly to monitor tenants’ advertisements to avoid misleading messages

    — Implement the “retail business customer service management approach”* (《 零售業務客戶服務管理辦法》) to all tenants — 對全體租戶實施《 零售業務客戶服務管理辦法》 Monitor the service quality of the property management staff

    — Implement the “complaints management approach” (《投訴舉報管理辦法》) and quality evaluation mechanism — 實施《 投訴舉報管理辦法》及質量評估機制 Protect consumers’ rights and simplify refund procedures

    — Establish the “compensation first fund” (「 先行理賠基金」) for compensating customer losses caused by the tenants — 設立「 先行理賠基金」賠償消費者由於租戶造成的損失As a commercial real estate projects operator, the Group works closely with every tenant to achieve a win-win situation. To provide business showcasing and sales opportunities for our tenants, the Group organizes a...

    Through stringent supply chain management, the Group ensures that the quality of project construction and operations is enhanced. To monitor the selection process of various contractors, suppliers and service providers, a bidding and tendering management policy* (《 招投標管理》) has been established. A specific bidding team is formulated for each bidding...

    本集團透過嚴格的供應鏈管理,提升我們的項目建設和運營質量。為監督包括各類承包商、 供應商、服務商等供方的篩選過程, 本集團已制定《 招投標管理》政 策。就每個招投標項目,我們均建立特定的招標小組, 依據技術水平和成本,對潛在供方進行評估。招標小組同時負責監督採購過程的每個階段,如有員工被發現不遵照政策規定的條款進行採購工作,其將會收到本公司警告。 為確保申請人之間公平競爭,我們要求每個採購項目需要至少三個供方參與招投標。合格供方將被列入我們的供方品牌庫, 品牌庫亦定期進行評審和更新。如果供應商在質量穩定性、市場競爭力和交貨準時度方面的表現不盡如人意,會被我們從合格品牌庫中剔除,則兩年內不得參與本集團任何招投標項目。供方如被發現涉及任何操縱投標或賄賂行為,將被列入黑名單, 禁止在未來所有項目中...

    The Company strives to protect the rights of all its stakeholders, including but not limited to employees, customers, business partners and competitors. We strictly control any unethical behaviors and establish relevant policies regarding data privacy, intellectual property rights protection and anti-corruption. During the year, the Group was not a...

    本公司致力保護其所有利益相關方的權益, 包括但不限於員工、 客戶、業務合作夥伴和競爭對手。我們嚴格控制任何不道德行為, 並於規範數據隱私、知識產權保護和反腐敗方面設立相關政策。 年內,本集團並不知悉在隱私洩露及侵權方面發生任何重大違反法律及法規事件,亦無任何有關腐敗行為的法律案件。 本集團高度重視客戶的隱私,無論員工是否接觸到客戶的機密技術或商業秘密,都必須嚴格保密。我們有關處理日常敏感文件的程序, 尤其是客戶信息,已在人員手冊中明確列出。本集團內涉及重點和保密信息的員工, 可能會被要求簽署《競爭限制協議》及 ╱ 或《 保密協議》。任何違反規定者需要承擔法律責任,以維護我們客戶的權益。 本公司尊重其他企業的知識產權,包括其專利、 商標、 商號和商業秘密。本集團嚴禁任何侵犯其他公司權益的行為,...

    The Group’s business does not involve manufacturing. The business operations are mainly office-based and our relevant environmental impacts are relatively insignificant. Nevertheless, we believe that environmental protection is an inseparable responsibility for every corporate citizen. The Group carries out environmental management to the best of i...

    The Group’s main natural resources are energy and water. Relevant energy saving and water conservation requirements are listed out in our “Engineering Environmental Protection Management Guidance Manual”* (《工程環境保護管理指導手冊》).

    本集團業務不涉及生產,主要經營場所為寫字樓辦公室, 相關環境影響較少。然而,我們認為保護環境是每一家企業均不可推卸的責任。本集團在其力所能及的方面, 開展環境管理工作,減少經營過程的資源消耗和污染排放。 本集團的環境影響主要發生於項目建設過程。項目建設過程由合資質工程承建商負責。 作為項目投資者,本集團主要履行做好有關監督工作的責任。本集團項目管理中心編製《 工程環境保護管理指導手冊》,要求外判商嚴格做好文明施工及環境保護措施,並進行定期巡檢以確保工程遵守手冊中條文和精神。

    環境排放主要發生於項目建設,由外部合資質施工、 監理單位負責管理,本集團作為投資方負責監督工作。 本集團遵守《中華人民共和國環境保護法》、《中華人民共中華人民共和國環和國環境影響評價法》及 《建設項目環境境保護法》), Law of the PRC on Appraising of Environment Impacts* (《 中華人民共和國環境影響評價法》) and Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection* (《 建設項目環境保護管理條例》). Our “Engineering Environmental Protection Management Guidanc...

    The Group uses its business property projects as a platform to promote green culture to the public including owners, tenants and consumers. We emphasize on introducing green building elements for our projects, which not only reduces the environmental footprint during project operation but also promotes environmentally friendly construction approach...

    本集團以商業地產項目為平台,向包括業主、 租戶及消費者等公眾推廣綠色文化。 我們注重為項目引入綠色建築元素,既減少項目運營過程的環境足跡,亦可籍此向公眾宣揚環保建築方式。 年內,我們於無錫的一個商業地產項目完成屋頂花園建設, 其根據三樓室外廣場條件,加大綠色植物的種植面積, 配以亭台樓閣,為公眾提供一個綠色休閒空間。 With people as the cornerstone of its business, the Group is committed to developing a motivated and united workforce to drive further growth. We have a comprehensive and transparent talent ...

    The Company strives to recruit and retain employees with the skills and experience necessary to drive business development. A comprehensive recruitment management system is established in order to standardize the requirements and approval process, ensuring our recruitment process is efficient, fair and transparent. Over the years, the Group has bee...

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

    Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.

  5. 香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司 HONG KONG NG CHOW INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL LIMITED於2005年01月11日在香港成立。. 公司編號為:0944895,該公司类别属于私人股份有限公司。. 公司年審日期爲成立次年後,每年01月11日 至 02月22日。. 截至今日,公司共經營了19年8個月18天。. 公司現狀为 ...

  6. 企查查为您提供香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司的最新工商信息、公司简介、公司地址、电话号码、招聘信息、信用信息、财务信息、法律诉讼等多维度详细信息查询,让您对香港五洲國際旅遊有限公司能够做到全面的了解!.

  7. 五洲國際(亞洲)有限公司登記信息查詢,包含公司成立日期,公司現狀,網址、註冊地址,電話等信息 香港公司查詢網 香港公司列表