雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 理大網上迎新 - 學生宿舍. Useful links::: 學生資源及支援部, 學生事務處 (SRRL, SAO) 紅磡宿舍 (舊Hall) 何文田宿舍 (新Hall) 申請宿舍. 宿舍政策 (本科生) 返回迎新主頁面.

  2. B) Off-campus Housing (OCH) A university-managed Off-campus Housing site, Chun Fook Mansion, provides an accommodation option for full-time non-local students who are not eligible for the Student Halls of Residence, or are not successful in their hall application.

  3. 2022年4月13日 · 家庭抗逆力能減輕壓力事件對家庭成員之心理健康造成的負面影響. 梁博士分析指出,受訪者的家庭關係及個人心理健康普遍受社會事件及新冠疫情影響,但家庭抗逆力發揮了緩衝作用。 因此,推廣家庭抗逆力,讓家人建立互相支持的能力在面對逆境方面尤其重要。 石教授建議香港家庭應培養家人之間互相包容、彼此分享、共同解難的家庭氣氛。 此外,夫妻與家人之間亦應坦誠地加強雙方及兩代之間的溝通。 為加強香港家庭的抗逆能力,理大在「賽馬會抗逆有『家』計劃」下,透過社區為本的專業介入服務、網上家庭活動、網上學習課程及專業同工培訓,協助家庭(一)建立正面的家庭信念、(二)促進互相支持的關係及(三)提升積極解難的能力;計劃並會以實證為本的方法評估活動成效。

  4. 2021年10月25日 · 餐廳查詢或訂座,請致電 (852) 3400 1388 或電郵至 book.restaurant@hotel-icon.com. 不要錯過唯港薈為香港理工大學校友準備的一連串精彩優惠,包括於酒店餐廳天外天、The Market及GREEN專享85折優惠。. 詳情及條款,請瀏覽此網頁。. 其他禮遇包括: 住宿連早餐體驗 天外天外 ...

  5. Welcome to eStudent! Notes: To ensure smoother user experience and data accuracy, it is best to use 'Chrome' as the browser. If needed, click here for the procedures to download Chrome. You can find useful information and submit various applications relating to your study at PolyU in this system.

  6. 2020年7月14日 · 酒店與旅遊管理學科冠絕全球. 理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院於不同世界數個排行榜中均表現出色,印證了大學致力提供環球最優質酒店與旅遊管理教育的卓著聲譽。. 在上海軟科教育信息諮詢有限公司發布的2020年「軟科世界一流學科排名」中,學院在旅遊休閒 ...

  7. Application for Off-campus Housing (Chun Fook Mansion) for 2024/25. 1) Application Period: 15 to 31 Jul 2024 (11:59pm) Hong Kong Time. 2) Eligibility: Non-local full-time taught postgraduate admittees.

  8. www40.polyu.edu.hk › possPOSS

    POSS is an integrated platform managed by Student Affairs Office (SAO). Through POSS, you can : sign up for co-curricular activities. check details of Extra-Curricular Enrichment for Lifelong Learners ( EXCELL) courses and register for them. make APPOINTMENT for career development, counseling and student advising. book AMENITIES, SPORTS FACILITIES.

  9. University-managed Accommodations. The Student Halls of Residence in Hung Hom and Homantin are home to over 4600 students from diverse cultures, backgrounds and disciplines. It is a living and learning environment that creates a perfect platform for intercultural exchange, and offers abundant opportunities for students’ personal development ...

  10. Welcome to Sports Facilities Booking for Non-student. For Alumni, Staff Dependants, Emeritus Professors, Long Service Retirees, Visitors etc. who have been using the previous booking system: If you have a positive deposit balance in our previous booking system and you already have a NetID, please click here to activate your new account!

  11. Hall Administration and Residential Education. The Hall Administration and Residential Education Team of the Student Resources and Support Section (SRSS) of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) is responsible for all matters related to hall admission, administration and residential education in the Student Halls of Residence.

  12. GET CONNECTED. "For over 40 years, PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management has refined a distinctive vision of hospitality and tourism education and become a world-leading hotel and tourism school. Rated No. 1 in the world in the “Hospitality and Tourism Management” category according to ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of ...

  13. Hall Administration and Residential Education. The Hall Administration and Residential Education Team of the Student Resources and Support Section (SRSS) of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) is responsible for all matters related to hall admission, administration and residential education in the Student Halls of Residence.

  14. 訪客資料. 位置 餐飲設施. 蔣震劇院位於香港理工大學鍾士元樓地下,鄰近理大噴泉廣場暢運道入口,毗鄰紅磡海底隧道、港鐵紅磡車站及尖沙咀商業中心,交通便利。.

  15. 2019年7月5日 · Hall Applications. Students are strongly encouraged to have hall-life experience during their university years, which is both memorable and rewarding. The Student Halls of Residence do not just provide students with an accommodation, but a vibrant community with abundant opportunities for them to grow and learn.

  16. Welcome to the Student Halls of Residence! Aligned with University's aims and Strategic Plan, residential education aims to holistically nurture students toward socially responsible global citizenship through fostering student-centred learning outside the classroom and beyond academic studies.

  17. 学生宿舍. 非本地生服务及活动. 转校. 一般情况下,所有修读全日制政府资助本科课程的非本地学生,可于首年入住由本校统筹的住宿设施,宿位的申请与分配,视乎同学的入宿年期,和参与课外及宿舍活动的情况而定。 宿位通常在开学前一个星期开放让学生迁入。 有关详情将在录取通知书上阐明。 由理大红磡宿舍步行往校园(图书馆入口)需时约12分钟,房间为双人房设计,每两间房相连共享一个卫生间;而由理大何文田宿舍步行往校园(Y座入口)需时约15分钟,房间分为双人及三人房设计,每三间双人房及一间三人房共9位宿生共享两组卫生设施。 两座宿舍房间的组合皆设有空调、冰箱及无线上网设施。 宿舍设备一应俱全,包括:游泳池(只限红磡宿舍)、健身房、洗衣房、平台花园、音乐练习室、电脑室等。

  18. 酒店与旅游管理学科冠绝全球. 理大酒店及旅游业管理学院于不同世界排行榜均表现出色,印证了大学致力提供环球最优质酒店与旅游管理教育的卓著声誉。. 在上海软科教育信息咨询有限公司发布的2020年「软科世界一流学科排名」中,学院在旅游休闲管理分科 ...

  19. Hall fees information for Research Postgraduate Students (2024/25)

  20. 預約方法. 網上預約: https://uhsappt.polyu.edu.hk. 電話預約: 2766 5553 (辦公時間內) *如需預約針灸、骨傷及拔罐服務敬請致電 2766 5553. 相關網頁. 衛生署中醫藥事務部, 健康資訊. 浸大中醫學院,專科問答. 浸大中醫學院, 醫言有益. 香港理工大學大學醫療保健處現提供中醫服務予本校全日制學生,全職教職員,其直系親屬及退休職員。 診所提供全科、針灸、拔罐及骨傷服務,並提供中藥材配方,包括中藥顆粒沖劑、中藥乾劑及代煎藥服務。 駐診中醫師 註冊中醫師 ...

  21. 1) Admission Policy for Full-time Research Students. 2) Residential Period. Research students are admitted to the Student Halls for a period of about one year which starts from the check-in date and ends on the last day of the 12th month (e.g.

  22. 請於出發前至少六星期預約旅遊健康諮詢服務: 請親臨診所 或. 致電 2766 5433預約. 網上預約不適用. 請注意: 本診所服務只提供予本校全日制學生及職員. 預約時請註明: 旅遊人數 (同行及合資格接受本處服務的人士,建議一同會診) 目的地. 旅遊出發日期. 旅遊健康服務的預備. 會診當日請帶同: 詳細行程 (包括到訪城市的名稱,日期,住宿類型和活動計劃) 疫苗接種記錄. 已填妥之旅行健康諮詢問卷 ( 在此下載) ** 十人或以上的旅遊團負責人,請於健康講座最少一星期前收集好以上文件交回大學醫療保健處。 旅遊保健建議. 商務旅行者. 深層靜脈血栓. 高地綜合症. 飛行時差. 旅遊人士飲食須知. 預防蚊蟲傳播的疾病.

  23. Location & Map. A) Location. = PolyU Student Halls, 1 Hung Lai Road, Hung Hom, Hong Kong 香港 紅磡 紅荔道一號 香港理工大學學生宿舍. B) How to get to Hung Hom. At Hong Kong airport, take Airbus A21 to reach Hung Hom Station. At Lo Wu, take MTR to Hung Hom Station. C) From Hung Hom Station to Student Halls.

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