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    • 1. slang; slang language

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  2. a form of slang used by some groups of people in Britain, especially by gay people and especially in the past: The performers have developed their own version of Polari, the famous gay slang. 這些表演者已經發展出了自己版本的 Polari,也就是著名的同性戀俚語。.

    • Hit the books。字面上來看,hit the books 就是打書、揍你手上的書的意思呀?這是一個很受學生歡迎的英文慣用語,特別是美國大學生們。
    • Hit the sack。跟第一個慣用語相同,如果照字面上去看的話,hit the sack 或者beat a sack看似指要打一個大沙包。沙包通常就是一大袋裝有麵粉、米飯或者土壤肥料的一包東西。
    • Twist someone’s arm。Twist someone’s arm看來是真的要扭轉對方的手,聽起來有點暴力!想像手臂被扭轉的感覺就很痛!
    • Stab someone in the back。如果真的跟字面上一樣的話,那麻煩就大囉!到底闖了甚麼禍呢?字面上說的就是拿刀或者拿某種尖銳物品插到別人的背上。
  3. translate.google.com.twGoogle 翻譯

    Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。.

  4. very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people: army slang 軍隊俚語. 俚語的. slangy uk / ˈslæŋ.i/ us / ˈslæŋ.i/ adjective informal. Slangy language contains a lot of slang expressions. His language is very slangy. 他講話總愛說俚語。 同性戀俚語. Polari uk / pəˈlɑː.ri/ us / pəˈlɑːr.i/ noun.

  5. Slang is vocabulary that is used between people who belong to the same social group and who know each other well. Slang is very informal language. It can offend people if it is used about other people or outside a group of people who know each other well. We usually use slang in speaking rather than writing.

  6. 30 句經典的英文諺語. 01. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真情。. 02. Good medicine tastes bitter. 良藥苦口利於病,忠言逆耳利於行。. 03. A little learning is a dangerous thing.

  7. 2024年6月15日 · 英國人在生活中使用的俚語(Slang)。 在非正式的場合,不是在書面語言,而是在英語對話中經常使用的詞語,那就是俚語。 是在學校的英語課本或考試準備中很難學到的非正式表達。

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