雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 首飾均會放置於首飾盒內,我們將按不同的情況使用合適的包裝。如顧客需要周大福購物紙袋,可於訂單「備註」位置填寫所需的數量,每件貨品上限為1個。此外,本網站更可提供免費心意卡,讓您的心意傳達給對方,倍感窩心。

  2. Chow Tai Fook celebrates 95 years of legacy with the launch of the Rouge Collection. To celebrate the momentous occasion of 95th anniversary, Chow Tai Fook debuts the latest signature jewellery series. Inspired by the passionate hues of red and the auspicious symbol of good fortune, ‘福’, the creations fuse cultural heritage and ...

  3. 周大福自 1929 年以來為您提供精湛工藝的當代珠寶。長期致力於創新和工藝,為您帶來歷久常新的時尚珠寶,立即於周大福珠寶選購最合您心意的珠寶首飾。

  4. 2 天前 · Chow Tai Fook provides you with accurate and real-time gold price data, including the latest price information for various online gold trading products and physical gold products. This includes 999.9 fine gold, pure gold, gold coins, and gold pellets.

  5. 999 Gold pendant. HK$18,838. BEST SELLER. CTF • HUÁ. 999 Gold bangle (Solid 3.4mm) HK$21,618. You’ve viewed 60 of 201 products. Chow Tai Fook is the definition of 999.9 24K gold. For more than half a century, we have been the pioneer to ensure the pureness of gold, while delving into gold techniques to continue crafting masterpieces that ...

  6. 1929年,周大福珠寶的創始人周至在中國內地廣州市洪德路創辦首家金行,主要經營傳統的黃金飾品,取其名為「周大福」。周氏借用傳統賀詞「五福臨門,大富大貴」起名,讓顧客直接聯想到財富、地位和好運氣。

  7. 周大福很榮幸成為全球勞力士特約零售商網絡的一分子獲准銷售及保養勞力士腕錶。 在周大福,我們將誠意為您從勞力士時計系列中,挑選最適合您的勞力士腕錶。

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