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  1. 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[註 1],简称 普通高考 、 高考 或 统一高考,是 中华人民共和国 重要的全国性 考试 之一,是 中国大陆 普通高等学校 的 招生考试,是由普通高中毕业生和具有同等学力的考生参加的选拔性考试。 普通高考于每年的6月7日至10日举行 [註 2]。 普通高考由 中华人民共和国教育部 统一组织调度,根据教育部公布的《考试大纲》由 教育部教育考试院 或实行自主命题的省级教育考试院命题。 2023年高考考试试卷分为由教育部命题的全国甲、乙卷,新课标全国一、二卷和由地方自主命题的 北京 、 上海 、 天津 卷,另外,综合科目为使用“新课标旧高考”的地区单独命题了新课标综合卷 [註 3]。 普通高考采用闭卷考试形式,必考科目为 语文 、 数学 和 外语。

  2. 2003年11月21日 · 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試[ 註 1 ],簡稱 普通高考 、 高考 或 統一高考,是 中華人民共和國 重要的全國性 考試 之一,是 中國大陸 普通高等學校 的 招生考試,是由普通高中畢業生和具有同等學力的考生參加的選拔性考試。 普通高考於每年的6月7日至10日舉行 [ 註 2 ]。 系列條目. 中國教育. 機構.

  3. 中国大陆. 普通高等学校艺术类专业招生统一考试,简称艺术类高考、艺考,中华人民共和国高等教育學校艺术专业的招生入學考試,分为分美术类、书法类、音乐类、舞蹈类、播音主持类、广播影视编导类六类,由高中畢業生或具有同等學歷的考生參加 ...

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › GaokaoGaokao - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Subjects Before NCEE Reform
    • Reform of The National College Entrance Examination
    • Procedure
    • Criticisms
    • Impact
    • See Also
    • Further Reading
    • External Links


    The first Gaokao was held on 15-17 August 1952. The unified national tertiary entrance examination marked the start of the reform of National Matriculation Tests Policies (NMTP) in the newly established People's Republic of China. With the implementation of the first Five Year Plan in 1953, the NMTP was further enhanced. After repeated discussions and experiments, the NMTP was eventually set as a fundamental policy system in 1959. From 1958, the tertiary entrance examination system was affect...

    2006 Gaokao

    In 2006, a record high of 9.5 million people applied for tertiary education entry in China. Of these, 8.8 million (93%) took the national entrance exam and 27,600 (0.28%) were exempted (保送) if the students demonstrate exceptional merit in the quality of their work and understanding of the academic subject. Out of the 9.5 million applicants, 5,460,500 (57.48%) were admitted to universities or colleges. Everyone else (700,000 students) took other standardized entrance exams, such as those desig...

    2017 Gaokao

    In 2017, 9.40 million students took the Gaokao, 7 million of whom were admitted into colleges and/or universities. The percentage of first-class admission (Yi Ben (一本), deemed as good universities in China) varied from 9.48% to 30.5%, with the lowest admission rates in Henan province and Shanxi province, at less than 10%.[citation needed] Below are the changes of the exam scope in 2017 from 2016 (in most areas of China, where the students use the Nationwide Exam Papers in Gaokao): Chinese 1....

    The subjects tested in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination have changed over time. Traditionally, students would undertake either a set of "liberal-art" subjects or a set of "science" subjects, with some shared compulsory subjects which were Chinese, mathematics and a foreign language. The subjects taken in the Examination affected t...

    "3+1+2" system

    This system was first introduced in 2019, when Hebei Province, Liaoning Province, Jiangsu Province, Fujian Province, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, Guangdong Province, Chongqing Cityannounced their examination reform plan, and performed on the 2018 students. This system gives students a wider choice on what subjects they are being tested on comparing to "3+X" system, but limits students' choice against the "3+3" system. By 2024, most regions of the country would implement the system as the s...

    "3+3" system

    This system has been implemented in Shanghai and Zhejiang since the employment of comprehensive courses since September 2014. Since 2017, Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Hainan have begun to use this program. 1. The first "3" stands for three compulsory courses, including Chinese, mathematics, and a foreign language (a choice of one from English, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish). 2. The second "3" stands for three selective courses which depend on students' choice from physics, chemist...

    The National Higher Education Entrance Examination is not uniform across the country, but administered uniformly within each province of China or each direct-controlled municipality. The National Higher Education Entrance Examination is graded variously across the country.

    Regional discrimination

    A university usually sets a fixed admission quota for each province, with a higher number of students coming from its home province. As the advanced educational resources (number and quality of universities) are distributed unevenly across China, it is argued that people are being discriminated against during the admission process based on their geographic region. For example, compared to Beijing, Jiangxi province has fewer universities per capita. Therefore, Jiangxi usually receives fewer ad...

    Migrant children

    As a student is required to take exams in the region where their household registration (under the Hukou system) is located, the qualification of migrant children becomes controversial.Since 2012, some regions began to relax the requirements and allow some children of migrants to take their College Entrance Exam in regions outside of their household registration. As of 2016, Guangdong's policies are the most relaxed. A child of migrants can take their Entrance Exam in Guangdong if they have a...

    Special concessions

    There are special concessions for members of ethnic minorities, foreign nationals, persons with family origin in Taiwan, and children of military casualties. Students can also receive bonus marks by achieving high results in academic Olympiads, other science and technology competitions, sporting competitions, as well as "political or moral" distinction. In the 2018 National People's Congress, the government passed legislation abolishing all bonus scores from competitions.

    The Gaokao tends to impact the lives of most Chinese teenagers and their parents. In Zhengzhou, Henan, the local bus company parked a 985number bus outside a Gaokao center for parents to wait in, the number reflects a popular enrollment program number for university entrances. The impact and importance of the Gaokao exam has only increased as the n...

    Yu, Lan and Hoi K. Suen (Pennsylvania State University). "Historical and Contemporary Exam-driven Education Fever in China" (Archive). KEDI Journal of Educational PolicyVol.2 No.1 2005 17–33.

    Szekely, E. (2023). The National College Entrance Examination in China (Gaokao): A Discreet Driver for Global Social Change In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Ch...
    "China's SAT". Slate, June 4, 2008.
  5. 2020年7月8日 · 目前,高考考試試卷分為由教育部命題的全國Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ卷,和由地方自主命題的北京、上海、天津、江蘇、浙江卷,以及新高考改革下的全國新高考Ⅰ、Ⅱ卷。

  6. 2024年2月26日 · 教育局今日(二月二十六日)提醒,內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃(文憑試收生計劃)將於三月一日開始接受網上報名。 根據國家教育部公布有關二 二四/二五學年文憑...

  7. 根据教育部指示,香港高校在内地的自主招生范围包括全国三十一个省份、直辖市及自治区:上海、山西、山东、天津、内蒙古自治区、北京、四川、甘肃、吉林、安徽、江西、江苏、西藏自治区、河北、河南、青海、重庆、海南、浙江、陜西、湖北、湖南

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