雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月24日 · Tottori Prefecture has many locations of historical importance. These include Hakuto Shrine, which is associated with a tale in the Kojiki, an ancient collection of Japanese myths, and the cliff-side Nageire Hall, a national treasure said to have been established by the founder of Japanese mountain asceticism.

  2. 2024年2月7日 · Instead of the loud colors and packed shopping streets of Asakusa, Jindaiji—the temple and the district—offer lush greenery, peace and quiet, and a scenic and relaxing atmosphere all year round. Here's a step-by-step account of a relaxing tour around one of my favorite Tokyo neighborhoods.

  3. 園內多處重現如伽羅御所、金色堂、無量光院等名建築和庭園,讓旅客可以散步其中,感受時光倒流的氣氛。 同時也提供女性的十二單和男性的束帶等付費服裝體驗(需預約),甚至重現平安時代貴族們的膳食。

  4. 從翠綠的林木之間可以看見四周的建築物,樹林的色彩保留著自然的原始風貌。. 藍天傾灑下的陽光從樹葉間穿透下來,讓我忘記了當下的暑熱。. 終於到達金色堂了。. 裡面保存著平安時代當時華美的金箔國寶。. 如果有在博物館買票觀賞歷史展覽,可以憑那張 ...

  5. 日本是佛教大國。. 據統計,日本全國共有7萬5000座寺廟,30萬尊佛像,至於信徒,有一種說法是99%的日本人都是廣義的佛教信徒(同時也信仰神道)。. 說到佛教在日本的歷史,不得不提起一個人,那就是聖德太子。. 聖德太子是日本的首位女天皇——推古天皇的 ...

  6. 2016年9月15日 · During the Edo period, Hakone was a primary way station along the Tokaido Road, the best known of the “highways” that the daimyo (feudal rulers) of Japan’s historical provinces used to travel between Edo, as Tokyo was then known, and other parts of the

  7. 2020年3月23日 · Koishikawa Korakuen is arguably one of the most exquisite traditional Japanese gardens in Tokyo. It is also one of the oldest gardens, completed in 1669 by feudal lord Yorifusa, founder of the Mito Tokugawa clan, and Chinese scholar Shu Shunsui.