雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Observe Time Temperature Weather WindDir Wind BS m/s Gust BS m/s Visibility (km) Humidity (%) Pressure (hPa) Rainfall (mm) Sunshine

  2. 氣象局提供精緻化預報及現代化氣象觀測, 縣市天氣預報, 鄉鎮天氣預報, 各類觀測資訊, 衛星雲圖, 雷達圖, 雨量累積..等 觀測時間 溫度 天氣 風向 風力 級 m/s 陣風 級 m/s 能見度 (公里) 相對濕度 (%) 海平面氣壓 (百帕) 當日累積 雨量(毫米)

  3. 海象資訊服務全書下載

  4. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 4 System & Infrastructure Enhancements Framework upgrade to HWRFV4.0a with bug fixes Optimize and unify the domain sizes of ghost domains used for initialization and DA

  5. Cold Surge Advisory Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Minimum ground-level temperature is below 10 C. Cold in early morning and evening, with a chance of minimum temperature dropping below 10 C and significant day-night temperature difference.

  6. 中央氣象局全球資訊網