雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 腦血管動脈瘤是腦血管疾病,當血流壓力使血管壁彈力層減少,血管壁薄弱向外膨脹,形成腦血管動脈瘤。 腦血管分叉處一般較為薄弱,腦血管動脈瘤亦常見於此。 腦血管瘤膨脹了的血管壁較為薄弱,容易破裂,可引致出血性中風等急症,是最致命的一種中風症,死亡率高達36%。 腦血管動脈瘤一旦破裂,兩至三成病人在來不及送抵醫院前經已失救死亡。 曾經破裂的腦血管瘤若得不到及時治療,六個月內再爆裂機會佔四成,死亡率高達70%。 在本港每10萬人約有五人發病,以中年人為主,男女發病比例為1:2。 吸煙、血壓高、腦動脈受傷者較為常見。 動脈瘤若破裂,可在瞬息間奪去人的生命。你可能有聽過你認識的人當中因動脈瘤破裂而突然辭世。此病最致命是患者不一定有症狀顯示, 直到動脈瘤破裂導致腦內出血而對生命造成威脅。

    • What Is Cerebral Aneurysm?
    • How Does Cerebral Aneurysm Form?
    • What Are The Symptoms of Cerebral Aneurysm?
    • Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm
    • Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm
    • How The Cerebral Aneurysm Is Diagnosed?
    • Treatments
    • Factors to Be Considered in Making Decision on Treatment Options
    • Points to Note Before & After Surgery
    • Risks and Complications

    A cerebral aneurysm is a ballooning arising from a weakened area in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. It often looks like a berry hanging on a stem.

    Cerebral aneurysm is a cerebrovascular disease. Aneurysms develop as a result of thinning artery walls. Aneurysms often form at forks or branches in arteries because those areas of the vessels are weaker. When the cerebral aneurysm expands and the blood vessel wall becomes too thin, the aneurysm will rupture and bleed into the space around the brai...

    Most cerebral aneurysms do not show symptoms until they either become very large or rupture. Small unchanging aneurysms generally will not produce symptoms and mostly were only revealed after physical examinations. Occasionally, there may be symptoms that happen before a rupture due to a small amount of blood that may leak. This is called “sentinel...

    Aneurysms may rupture and bleed into the space between the skull and the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage) and sometimes into the brain tissue (intracerebral hemorrhage). These are forms of stroke called hemorrhagic stroke. The bleeding into the brain can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms, from a mild headache to permanent damage to the brain, or eve...

    An unruptured cerebral aneurysm may produce no symptoms, particularly if it’s small. It may only be revealed until physical examination. For larger unruptured aneurysm, it may press on brain tissues and nerves, possibly causing: 1. pain above and behind one eye 2. drooping eyelid 3. change in vision or double vision 4. numbness of one side of the f...

    When there is a suspecting ruptured aneurysm, a Computed Tomography (CT) can be used to detect intracranial hemorrhage. The disadvantage is that the cause of the hemorrhage cannot be clearly indicated. After injecting with a contrast dye into patient’s bloodstream, the aneurysm can be visualized through a special imaging technique called Computed T...

    Current treatment options:

    1. Microvascular Clipping(Clipping Surgery); This procedure involves cutting off the flow of blood to the aneurysm and requires open brain surgery. The neurosurgeon will locate the blood vessels that feed the aneurysm and place a tiny, metal, clothespin-like clip on the aneurysm’s neck to stop its blood supply. With this, the risk of aneurysm rupture to cause severe bleeding stroke, brain damage or even death will be eliminated. 2. Endovascular Neurovascular Surgery (to seal off the cerebral...

    Neurological status, underlying disease, age, location, size, and shape of the aneurysm, risk of aneurysm rupture, existing treatment conditions, and nature of the aneurysm (ruptured vs. unruptured) are the factors to consider in making treatment decisions. The doctor will analyze and propose the most suitable treatment for the patient based on the...


    1. The neurosurgeon will explain the purpose and procedure to the patient and his/her family according to the location of the aneurysm, and the patient or his/her family will be requested to complete the Consent for Surgery, Consent for Anesthesia, Confirmation on Surgery Fee and Disbursements, Consent for Blood Transfusion, and Consent for Intensive Care Unit (if applicable) 2. Examinations before surgery include: Electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-Ray, blood test, angiography, etc. 3. Skin pr...

    The risks and complications of minimally invasive surgery are basically similar to those of traditional clipping surgery. Patient’s condition, size and location of aneurysm, all are the factors that determine surgical risk. The surgical risk of ruptured aneurysms is approximately 10% to 20% while risk of rupture can be high as 30% for larger aneury...

  2. HKBSSP 推出治疗急性缺血性中风的崭新「黄金8小时」概念: 脑内血管介入的微创手术(机械式吸取血栓术),正正填补了静脉注入溶血剂rtPA的黄金3至4.5小时治疗方案的不足。病人可于中风症状出现后的八小时内接受脑内血管介入的微创手术(机械式吸取血栓术),把血管再次灌通。就像心脏的通波仔微创 ...

  3. 6小時的微創開顱手術. 在顯微鏡下,將腫瘤全面切除,視覺神經得到減壓,雙側腦內主大動脈(ICA)和前大腦動脈(ACA)得以保存完好。 腫瘤切除前、後. 手術後,病人的視力亦恢復正常,3天後返回中國內地。 1年後及4年後的磁力共振MRI並無腫瘤復發的徵象。 如遇以上情況不要猶豫,應立即致電 2367 6116 查詢或透過網上 連結預約 。 地址︰. 九龍 - 尖沙咀堪富利士道8號格蘭中心1107室 (港鐵尖沙咀站A2出口) 香港 - 中環干諾道中13 - 14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口) 聯絡我們︰. 電話︰ 2367 6116. 傳真︰ 2682 5216. 熱線︰. 電話︰ 8107 1616. 電郵: info@brainandspine.com.hk. 網址:

  4. 在中国的MRI显示在脑下垂颅底骨基部有2厘米的肿瘤向脑上延伸和压迫着视觉神经在两侧亦包住双侧脑内主大动脉ICA和前大脑动ACA) 。

  5. 一般我们所谓的中枢神经系统可分成脑部及脊髓两部分,前者包括大脑、脑干及小脑,而后者则包括 8 节颈脊髓、12 节胸脊髓、5 节腰脊髓及 5 节荐脊髓。相对于中枢神经的周边神经系统,则包括 12 对颅脑神经、30 对脊神经,以及交感、副交感两大部分的自主神经系统。

  6. 腦血管外科是腦神經外科其中的一個專門範疇,負責中風的預防、急救和康復治療,也是一般中風. 防治的三部曲。. 筆者這一期會以過往的臨床經驗和案例,為讀者解說中風的第一部曲「預防」,同時談談大眾對預防中風的誤解,及先天性腦血管病變可能衍生的病症 ...

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