雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from ...

  2. Among the top horses with whom he was most closely associated were River Verdon, Mr Vitality, Privilege, Oriental Express and Indigenous. He consolidated an ongoing, very successful relationship between Hong Kong and ...

  3. 正式而言,他只是業餘騎師(香港賽馬於1971年始轉為職業化),但由於經常上陣出賽,大概早已視騎馬為正職。. 正因為他是業餘騎師,所以可擁有馬匹。. 不過,他亦以演員、保險經紀和承建商為業。. 郭子猷在日本神戶巿出生,其原籍廣東的父親在當地經營 ...

  4. As part of The Hong Kong Jockey Club's Year of the Tiger and 125th anniversary celebration, the Club will host a fun-filled Penfold Park Equine Fun Fest this February to wish Hong Kong people a prosperous start to the year. At the Fun Fest, families will discover ...

  5. 現年52歲的告東尼,自香港賽馬於1971/72年轉為職業化以來,一直都是本地馬圈不可或缺的人物。其父告魯士曾以業餘騎師身分 ...

  6. TV series on HKJC's 125th Anniversary now being broadcast on TVB Jade 05/11/2009 125th Anniversary race meeting free for all racegoers; F&B as little as half price 03/11/2009 Club wins \"Hong Kong 100 years Classic Brand Award\ 29/10/2009

  7. The Mark Six Lottery is a 6 out of 49 lotto game which is conducted by HKJC Lotteries Limited, a subsidiary of The Hong Kong Jockey Club. The Mark Six draw is held three times a week (normally on the nights of Tuesday, Thursday and non-racing Saturday or Sunday) and is telecast live on TV. Draw Results.