雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在政府全面「撤辣」后,楼市经历了短暂的亢奋期,但近期交投量及楼价均有所回落。. 东立地产地产部总监陈玉成认为,楼市呈现两极化现象,豪宅市场在供应短缺及经济数据向好的利好因素带动下,走势将继续向好。. 他重申,今年是「超级豪宅年」;相反 ...

  2. 2023年7月19日 · HK government relaxes mortgage rules Down payment for HK$15 million homes falls by HK$3 million. The Financial Secretary, Paul Chan Mo-po, revealed about a month ago that the Government would consider further marginally relaxing the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio for first-time homebuyers.

  3. 皇上皇大廈 - 提供香港樓市成交紀錄、成交宗數及樓價走勢。. 查看最新成交、有關物業成交日期、成交數據、平均實用呎價、單位平面圖及其他物業資料,讓您方便尋找最新樓市成交資訊,掌握房地產市場動態。.

  4. 資料更新: 2019年10月,政府於施政報告中宣布,放寬首置人士按揭成數,$800萬或以下物業最多可申請9成按揭,而$1,000萬物業最多可申請8成按揭。.

  5. Use our Mortgage Calculator to estimate your interest rates, monthly & total repayment, down payment, stamp duty, legal fee, agent fee, plus affordability based on your Debt Servicing Ratio (DSR) and Stress Test, only on squarefoot.com.hk

  6. 46年 屋苑. 伊利莎伯大廈 位於港島 灣仔 告士打道250-254號,發展商為長江實業 / 新鴻基 / 亨隆地產 / 周大福,於1978年11月開始落成,由3座樓宇組成,共有480個單位。. 實用面積為536至906平方呎,屋苑內設有兒童設施、基座商場;交通便利,步行至港鐵時間約4分鐘 ...

  7. Man On Mansion located at Nos.282-290A Lai Chi Kok Road. It provides 86 units. The above price is valid for local Hong Kong 2nd hand property market. No oversea allowed. Moreover, if the listing is violated our listing rules, our admin would have chance to adjust

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