雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. mountain or Chinese yam
    • 2. [Informal] yam

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  2. 山藥的英文不能只叫 Yam,教你正確的山藥英文說法. 山藥 是非常營養的植物,可以用來燉山藥 排骨湯 、山藥雞湯、 涼拌 山藥 黑木耳,甚至是加 鮮奶 打成山藥 牛奶 都很棒,你知道 山藥 的英文要怎麼說嗎?. 如果在搜尋引擎直接找「山藥英文」會出現下方 ...

  3. 山藥 (英語: yam; 美式英語: ñame[a]),又稱淮山,是人們對 薯蕷屬 中一些物種的稱呼。 此類物種的 塊莖 富含 澱粉,可被人食用 [1]。 山藥是 多年生 草本 藤本植物,在許多 溫帶 和 熱帶 地區,特別是在非洲、南美洲和加勒比地區、亞洲和大洋洲,當地人為了食用山藥塊莖而栽培該物種。 [1] 薯蕷屬植物被人類分開馴化成為栽培「山藥」多次,有: [2] 非洲: 幾內亞黃薯蕷 (英語:Dioscorea cayenensis) (及 西非白薯蕷 (英語:Dioscorea rotundata) 亞種)、 黃獨 (和主要吃富澱粉的 珠芽 (英語:bulbil),微毒,在華藥用,某些國家食用) 亞洲: 普通山藥 (家山藥,珠芽也有食用,稱「山藥豆」;含淮南鐵棍山藥cv.

  4. 山药(英語: yam;美式英语: ñame [a] ),又稱淮山,是人們對薯蓣属中一些物種的稱呼。 此類物種的 塊莖 富含 淀粉 ,可被人食用 [ 1 ] 。 山药是 多年生 草本 藤本植物 ,在许多 温带 和 热带 地区,特别是在非洲、南美洲和加勒比地区、亚洲和 ...

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chinese_yamChinese yam - Wikipedia

    • Range
    • Taxonomy
    • Description
    • Common Names
    • In Alternative Medicine
    • As An Invasive Species
    • Culinary Uses
    • Cultivation
    • See Also

    This plant grows throughout East Asia. It is believed to have been introduced to Japan in the 17th century or earlier. Introduced to the United States as early as the 19th century for culinary and cultural uses, it is now considered an invasive plant species. The plant was introduced to Europe in the 19th century during the European Potato Failure,...

    The botanical names Dioscorea opposita and Dioscorea oppositifolia have been consistently misapplied to Chinese yam. The name D. opposita is now an accepted synonym of D. oppositifolia. Botanical works that point out the error may list, e.g., Dioscorea opposita auct. as a synonym of D. polystachya. Furthermore, neither D. oppositifolia nor the prio...

    Dioscorea polystachyavines typically grow 3–5 meters (9.8–16.4 ft) long, and can be longer. They twine clockwise. The leaves are up to 11 centimeters (4.3 in) long and wide. They are lobed at the base and larger ones may have lobed edges. The arrangement is variable; they may be alternately or oppositely arranged or borne in whorls. In the leaf axi...

    In Chinese it is known as shānyào (simplified Chinese: 山药; traditional Chinese: 山藥; lit. 'mountain medicine'), huáishān (怀山; 懷山 or 淮山), or huáishānyào (怀山药; 懷山藥 or 淮山药; 淮山藥; 'mountain medicine from Huai', i.e. the Huai Qing Fu (怀庆俯; 懷慶俯) region). Rarely, it is also referred to as shǔyù (薯蓣; 薯蕷). The yam bulbils are referred to as shanyao dou (山药豆; ...

    Creams and dietary supplements made from the related Dioscorea villosa are claimed to contain human hormones and promoted as a medicine for a variety of purposes, including cancer prevention and the treatment of Crohn's disease and whooping cough. However, according to the American Cancer Society, the claims are false and there is no evidence to su...

    Dioscorea polystachya was introduced to the United States in the 1800s when it was planted as an ornamental or food crop. It and other introduced yam species now grow wild there. It is troublesome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, where its range is "rapidly expanding", particularly into the Tennessee Valley where different native, hybrid and...

    The tubers of D. polystachya can be eaten raw (grated or sliced), while most other yams must be cooked before consumption (due to harmful substances in the raw state). First the skin needs to be removed by peeling (or by scraping off using a hard-bristled brush).This may cause a slight irritation to the hand, and wearing a latex glove is advised, b...

    The Chinese yam's growing cycle spans approximately one year, and should be planted between winter and spring. The traditional methods growing it are: using smaller tubers, top cut of bigger tubers or through cuttings of branches. The first two methods can produce 20 cm (7.8 in) long tubers and above. The latter produces smaller tubers (10 cm or 4 ...

  6. 长在地下的块茎曬乾后可當中醫藥材,称为淮山。中医认为它具有补脾益肾、养肺、止泻、敛汗之功效。味甘而性平,入脾、肺、腎三經。李時珍的《本草綱目》一書提及山藥能“益腎氣、健脾胃、止泄瀉、化痰涎、潤皮毛” [2]。山藥也是四神湯的材料之一。

  7. 2023年9月19日 · 簡單來說,鮮淮山是食材 ,乾淮山是藥材,但其實無論鮮淮山或乾淮山,都屬於薯蕷類( Dioscorea polystachya ),當中蘊含的薯蕷鹼 ( Dioscorine ) ,更可幫助阻止流感病毒侵蝕及損害身體。

  8. 有時叫淮山,有時叫山藥,此營養豐富的食材因著名字帶來不少誤解,大廚們能如何分清? 本篇為大家整理挑選、處理、及保存山藥的各種方式,再推介6種來自中國、日本及台灣的常用山藥品種與烹飪方法,讓你一次過了解山藥食材的厲害之處!

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