物以類聚. birds of a feather flock together phrase saying. said about people who have similar characters or interests, especially ones of which you disapprove, and who often spend time with each other.
2019年12月8日 · 物以類聚 英文 應該怎麼說呢?. 中文裡面的「物以類聚、人以群分」,在英文裡面可以說:Birds of a feather flock together. 其中,flock 的名詞意思是指「群」,當作動詞用的時候,則是指「聚集」的意思。. 同種羽毛的鳥類聚集在一起,那就是「物以類聚、人以群分 ...
物以類聚. – Traditional Chinese–English dictionary. 物以類聚. birds of a feather flock together phrase saying. said about people who have similar characters or interests, especially ones of which you disapprove, and who often spend time with each other.
我明白議案中這項建議的精神,是希望創造一個成行成市 、 物以類聚的 景象,但我相信以香港人一直 以來靈活的優點,只要環境適合,加上時間上 的醞釀,就是不用政府插手,也可以得到成行成市的效果。
- Birds of a feather flock together.flock (v.)群聚flock本身有群聚的意思,而這句話字面上的意思是說,
- Dogs of a tether walk together.tether (n.)鍊繩這句話其實是從美國漫畫 Buckles 中出來的,字面上來說,被牽在一起的狗會一起行動,
- In similar waters, similar fish are found.similar (adj.)相似的。這句話有點類似中文說的「蓬生麻中,不扶而直」,
- Pigeon flies with pigeon, hawk with hawk.pigeons (n.)鴿子hawk (n.)老鷹類似「近朱者赤,近墨者黑」,
這句成語的意思是同類的東西 (或人)很自然就會聚在一起,你們知道有哪一句英文成語也是「物以類聚」的意思嗎? 答案: “ Birds of a feather flock together “. “Flock” 可以用作名詞 (Noun)或動詞 (Verb),用作名詞的時候是「群」的意思。. (1) There is a flock of birds on the ...
物以类聚/物以類聚 [Pinyin] wù yǐ lèi jù [English meaning] similar things come together (idiom); like draws like/Birds of a feather flock together. [Antonym] 水火不容 OMG!
物以類聚 english 相關
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