百老匯電影中心 broadway cinematheque 相關
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Enjoy award-winning theatre, musicals & plays like The Lion King, Aladdin, Come From Away. Get the best available seats from section of your choice by booking your Broadway tickets.
首場長者優惠為HK$35(MOViE MOViE Pacific Place、PALACE ifc) / HK$25(其他百老匯戲院),設於每日各院首場,不適用於:3D電影、IMAX 2D電影、IMAX 3D電影、4DX電影、MOViE MOViE Pacific Place - The Oval Office、MOViE MOViE Cityplaza - MM
broadway cinematheque — the irreplaceable Cinematic Cultural Landmark. broadway cinematheque (bc), as an art house and one of the unique cinemas under Broadway Circuit, was founded in November 1996 and has since become the most stimulating cinema concept in Hong Kong.
想知今天百老匯 電影中心的上映電影、時間及售票情況? 還有沒有好位置? wmoov為你提供最新的百老匯 電影中心電影上映時間及售票情況,去百老匯 電影中心有咩電影睇,上wmoov即刻就知!
Broadway Cinematheque (bc) The unique Broadway Cinematheque (bc) of Broadway Cinema is one of the most inspiring cinema concepts in Hong Kong. Our Broadway movie theater exhibits arthouse cinema to movie enthusiasts looking to satisfy their appetite
立即購買戲票!百老匯院線即日上映電影及特備節目概覽,包括電影名稱、故事簡介、導演及演員資料。 影迷亦可查看即日上映電影場次,包括放映戲院、日期、時間、語言及模式。
Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 36,725 likes · 479 talking about this · 46,240 were here. Welcome to the official page of Broadway Cinematheque!