雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 歡迎來到聖母聖衣堂官方網站。. 我們位於香港灣仔星街,提供各種靈修活動、彌撒時間和教育資源。. 無論您是教友還是尋找信仰的人,我們都熱烈歡迎您參與。.

  2. 探索聖母聖衣堂提供的靈修資源,包括網上彌撒、講座和其他信仰資料。 我們致力於幫助教友和尋找信仰的人更深入地了解天主和教會的教導。 EN

  3. 了解聖母聖衣堂的牧職人員、善會和堂區活動。 我們是一個充滿活力的天主教社區,致力於傳播福音、服務社群和深化信仰。 EN

  4. 嬰孩領洗. 表格. 依父母的信德為嬰孩洗禮,每年三次:即聖誕期、復活期和暑期,在團體中施行嬰孩洗禮。. ‍. 嬰孩洗禮前,父母及代父母必須參與培育聚會。. 嬰孩洗禮只限於初生嬰孩或3歲以下的兒童,父或母必須為天主教徒。.

  5. Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This feast commemorates the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Simon Stock, the superior general of the Carmelite Order, in 1251. She promised a special blessing for those who wear her scapular.

  6. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are forgiven of our sins and reconciled to God and the Church. For those who need to confess, we have priests who are available on Sundays before or after the English masses at 12pm, 1.30pm, and 6pm. If you wish to confess at another time, please contact the parish office.

  7. DONATION TO CHURCH 捐款給聖堂 ABOUT 關於我們 Pastroal Team 牧職人員 Mass Schedule 彌撒時間 天主足跡在灣仔 MINISTRIES 善會 HOMESTEAD 家書 OFFERING 捐獻 FORMS 表格 More OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CHURCH ...

  8. 捐款人需要在電子轉帳表明捐款用途,用途可為聖堂經費、幫助有需要人士、為奉獻彌撒所用。.

  9. He was one of the most unobtrusive of men, yet he was one of the best-known priests in Hong Kong. He had a reputation for sanctity that was universal, and in the two parishes in which had spent the last thirty years of his life he was the object of deep love and veneration. He was sixty-two years of age.

  10. 茱麗雅1270年生於意大利佛羅倫斯,孩童時代聖德已卓越非凡;她經常留在聖堂念經祈禱,很少與別的孩童玩耍。 她的母親責備她說:「這樣下去,縫紉織布,你一樣也不會;將來有誰會娶你呢 ?

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