雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 寶可夢初代主題曲鋼琴版-目標是寶可夢大師. This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 3 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. Sheet MV. 本曲為聽編自寶可夢初代主題曲鋼琴版-目標是寶可夢大師難度約為拜爾100調性為a小調演奏時可適時加入踏板以增添音響豐富度. ! Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  2. Crush所演唱的"Love You With All My Heart(미안해 미워해 사랑해)",是韓劇"淚之女王"OST P4,路易斯製作成鋼琴原調獨奏樂譜,全曲總共8頁,原調為E大調,C大調放在首頁(無轉調),選擇列印你所需要的前4頁,試聽音檔是由Sibelius轉檔而成,演奏時加入個人情感進去。

  3. Full sheet music contains 8 pages. SPECIAL OFFER and DISCOUNT! Sheet items in cart Up to 2, POINTS 5% OFF. Up to 3, POINTS 10% OFF. Up to 5, 20% OFF. Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF! Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music.

  4. 2. 萬里高天廣闊,數千尺地土;地與天必消去,救主將快到。正在那個冬夜,孤苦夜;住處只得咫尺,救主小馬廏。 3. 萬馬千軍歡唱,眾天兵列隊!或有諸般天使,充塞空氣裡。馬利亞卻親述尊主頌;頌語千般歸予輕輕一吻裡。 4. 沒有身家千貫,我獻甚麼?

  5. Full sheet music contains 12 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. Sheet Music Performance MV. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. Sheet MV.

  6. 汪蘇瀧+趙露思所演唱的"只想把妳偷偷藏好",是電視劇"偷偷藏不住"主題曲,路易斯製作成鋼琴原調獨奏樂譜,全曲總共12頁,原調為B轉Ab轉Bb大調,C大調放在首頁(無轉調),選擇列印你所需要的前6頁,試聽音檔是由Sibelius轉檔而成,演奏時加入個人情感進去。

  7. 盧廣仲 (Crowd Lu)演唱的「刻在我心底的名字 (Your Name Engraved Herein)」為電影「刻在你心底的名字」主題曲,獲得第32屆金曲獎「年度歌曲獎」、第57屆金馬獎「最佳原創電影歌曲」。 改編為鋼琴獨奏版,左手伴奏模擬吉他分解和弦的彈奏方式,更貼近原曲的伴奏風格。 此版本為簡譜,附歌詞及和弦,適合給習慣看簡譜或有和弦需求的人,原曲為Bb大調,琴譜共5頁。 ※此曲共有 [五線譜]、 [簡譜]、 [三行伴奏譜]、 [小提琴獨奏譜+鋼琴伴奏譜]、 [鋼琴演奏版]五種記譜法,歡迎搜尋MickyMusic的琴譜。