雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 陸奧紫陽花園 (みちのくあじさい園)」坐落於占地約十四公頃的山林間,園內長達2公里的杉樹步道,兩側種植了4百種品種約4萬株的紫陽花,其擁有之紫陽花的品種和數量之豐富堪稱日本首屈一指。 山林間的芬多精讓呼吸更加暢快,杉樹沉靜的綠色也將各色紫陽花映照地更加艷麗。 因步行距離較長,園裡亦有餐廳及休息區可供小憩,穿上遠足裝備來此走上一遭吧。 陸奧紫陽花園 (みちのくあじさい園) 地址:岩手縣一関市舞川原澤111. 開花期間:7月上旬~7月下旬. 開放時間:9:00~17:00 (16:30後不售票) 入園費用:大人800日圓 / 中學生以下400日圓. 交通手段:從JR一関站開車約20分鐘. 官網: http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/miti-aji/

  2. 2018年6月28日 · Rikugien Hours & Access. Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (last entry 4:30 p.m.) * Hours are extended to 9 p.m. during illumination events in fall and spring. Dates vary. Admission: Adults - ¥300, Seniors - ¥150. Access: The garden can be easily accessed via Komagome Station on the JR Yamanote Line or Namboku Subway Line.

  3. 2017年11月1日 · A Basic Guide to Kenrokuen Garden. Masayoshi Sakamoto (坂本正敬) Updated November 1, 2017. Gardens Shoryudo Kanazawa Ishikawa Hokuriku. Kenrokuen is one of the absolute must-see spots in Kanazawa. It's received three stars in the Michelin Green Guide and drew as many as 3 million visitors as of 2015.

  4. 地址│福岡縣北九州市八幡東區河內2-2-46. 網頁│ https://kawachi-fujien.com. 交通│JR「八幡」站轉接駁車,約20分鐘。 費用│依據花期前後從500至1,500日圓不等。 (高中生以下免費入園) 開放│08:00-18:00. 期間|2018年4月中旬至5月中旬(詳細開花情報請見官網) 休息│開花期間無休館日(實際開園時間請至官網查詢) 【長野】月川溫泉・晝神溫泉 花桃街道 (花桃祭典) 長野縣的月川溫泉、晝神溫泉周邊,由於栽種大量桃花樹而有花桃街道 (はなもも街道) 的美名。

  5. 2024年3月4日 · Japanese gardens are everywhere in Japan from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. While many enjoy strolling through these green spaces, how often do we take note of the different styles and meanings that lay in their roots? Here is Elizabeth Sok's overview of the history, characteristics and prime examples of five styles of Japanese gardens!

  6. 2021年3月22日 · National Parks of Japan Kyoto Kansai. pixabay.com. This awe-inspiring Japanese destination is characterized by atmospheric temples boasting picturesque gardens and majestic mountains as their backdrop. Calling all nature lovers, Kyoto beckons to be discovered by unlocking the top 10 gardens and park of this magnificent city! Check them out below.

  7. 2017年11月1日 · The two most prominent symbols of Kanazawa, the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture, are Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden. These two sites were emblematic of the power of the clan that dominated the region throughout the Edo Period (1603-1868). Located right beside one another, if you see nothing else in Kanazawa, you must see these two sites.