雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. You will soon be redirected to the Tourist pre-order zone. Tourists can place orders before visiting Hong Kong, and pick up their orders at Hong Kong retail stores on the next day at the earliest, making your trip more relaxing! YesNo. Mannings Online Store address and opening hour.

  2. 電話 藥劑師熱線 營業時間 營業中 關閉中 註冊藥劑師查詢時間 當值中 休息中 店鋪服務 美容專櫃 關於萬寧 公司簡介 分店 位置 網站使用條款 私隱政策 法律通告及免責聲明 網購條款及細則 旅客預購專區 網上購物流程 會員註冊 網購店取 客戶服務 ...

  3. 萬寧客戶服務部 地址: 香港鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊德宏大廈7樓 電郵: manningscs@DFIretailgroup.com 電話: (852) 2299 3398 辦公時間: 星期一至五 09:00-17:00 萬寧藥劑師及萬寧營養師熱線 電話: (852) 2299 3398 yuu獎賞計劃查詢 網頁: https://www

  4. Mannings is Hong Kong’s largest health and beauty chain store with over 320 outlets operating in Hong Kong & Macau, and over 120 outlets in China. We are ready to meet your health and beauty requirements, providing a wide range of quality health care, personal care, skin care and baby products you and your family need to feel beautiful.

  5. 逾百位的萬寧社區註冊藥劑師於港、九及新界多間的駐店藥房當值,為您解答個人健康問題,細心了解您的健康狀況,免費提供適合您的健康建議及藥物諮詢服務,同時亦可利用萬寧首創的「電子藥物跟進系統」,貼身記錄及跟進您的用藥情況,為您的健康standby。.

  6. Discover various health, baby, personal care and beauty products at the Mannings Online Store. Enjoy Free shipping upon spending of $399, up to 250 click and collect pickup points. Register now and link up the yuu ID to enjoy the exclusive offers!

  7. 需要幫忙嗎?. 友善的萬寧客戶服務代表將在周一至週五上午9時至下午5時30分與我們在線聊天溝通。.

  8. No.1 店舖網絡、優良企業文化、完善的員工待遇及福利,成就萬寧開心團隊,矢志為顧客提供貼心服務。萬寧更並肩與員工一起成長,令每位成員都有理想的事業階梯, 凝聚開心工作能量,共同開拓未來。 萬寧是你求職 No.1 之選!

  9. 為持續提升客戶購物體驗,萬寧官方網店送貨上門服務將改由物流公司嘉里快遞提供。 如您有任何疑問或查詢,歡迎透過WhatsApp 或聯繫我們 頁與萬寧官方網店客戶服務部聯絡。謝謝!

  10. Mannings Baby – A hassle-free shopping environment for you and your babies! Mannings strives to take care of your well-being. Mannings Baby store is tailored to encompass a comprehensive health and beauty range, combined with professional nurse and dietitian services to better serve your family.

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