雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Discover various health, baby, personal care and beauty products at the Mannings Online Store. Enjoy Free shipping upon spending of $399, up to 250 click and collect pickup points. Register now and link up the yuu ID to enjoy the exclusive offers!

  2. 萬寧已向通訊辦申請登記成為「已獲認證的發送人」 並成功獲得認證 (短訊發送人名稱: #Mannings)。 在短訊發送人登記制下,只有已登記成為「已獲認證的發送人」的公司或機構才可使用其以「#」號開頭的「已登記的短訊發送人名稱」發出短訊。

  3. 在萬寧Online購買獨家產品。 瀏覽我們精選的獨家健康和美容產品,促銷和優惠。

  4. Mannings Online Store address and opening hour Mannings has applied to Office of Communications Authority to become a Registered Sender under the SMS Sender Registration Scheme ("Scheme") and has successfully registered its SMS Sender ID (Registered ...

  5. 萬寧提供多元化及優質的個人護理、健康、美容及嬰兒產品, 致力提供卓越品質、貼心及超值的產品和服務。

  6. 為持續提升客戶購物體驗,萬寧官方網店送貨上門服務將改由物流公司嘉里快遞提供。 如您有任何疑問或查詢,歡迎透過WhatsApp 或聯繫我們 頁與萬寧官方網店客戶服務部聯絡。謝謝!

  7. 由健康產品🍎、美妝護膚💄到個人護理🛁,一定有你嘅心水好物! 💖PayMe用戶買滿$1000即減$50,全場購物滿額即減高達$200,快D入黎掃貨啦! *受條款細則約束

  8. From health🍎, beauty💄, to personal care products🛁, there must be your favorite items! 💖 PayMe users get $50 off for purchases over $1000, and enjoy discounts of up to $200 for orders upon designated spend. Hurry up and shop now! *Terms and conditions apply

  9. 由健康產品🍎、美妝護膚💄到個人護理🛁,一定有你嘅心水好物! 💖PayMe用戶買滿$1000即減$50,全場購物滿額即減高達$200,快D入黎掃貨啦! *受條款細則約束

  10. Mannings Plus – Your one-stop destination of health and beauty needs! Mannings believes that striving for excellence is a process of evolution, that’s why we have pioneered our first new health concept store Mannings Plus in 2010 to cater for your health and beauty

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