雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年4月14日 · The sake cup’s graceful curves, reminiscent of the profile of Mount Fuji or traditional wooden kokeshi dolls, evoke the beautiful forms and spirit of Japan. These cups are sure to help make Japanese sake taste better and more stylish—particularly when used

  2. 2015年12月15日 · 查看更多杯面图片,请在“火箭新闻24”阅读完整故事。. 关联记事: We try “Chilli Crab Seafood Noodle” — Nissin’s new cup noodles with a Singaporean twist. Ramen ice cream topped with freeze-dried beef cubes now available in Japan! Cup Noodle maker Nissin asks Italians to rate its new “pasta style” cups ...

  3. 2021年4月12日 · Sake cups, known in Japanese as shuki (酒器), are as vibrant and diverse as the drink itself. Collecting these stylish and cute cups has become a popular hobby internationally! To help you get acquainted, we’ve created a guide to the most common shuki found in Japan. Use it to become a sake pro before your next Japan trip! Happy drinking!

  4. 2017年4月14日 · Tinware allows you to safely store anything—liquor, meals, sweets or even flowers. Your sake will taste its freshest yet in these stylish and contemporary tin cups from Nousaku. Which cup gets your juices flowing? With wood, tin and gold choices, there truly is

  5. 2017年10月16日 · If you're a big fan of Japanese green tea, then perhaps you know the appropriate way to make a perfect cup. If not, this article will teach you how to make each drop delicious with advice from author Mineko Shiiya, a scholar of Japanese tradition.

  6. 2019年4月16日 · 1. 川平湾. 拥有米其林3星评价的川平湾,是冲绳的必访景点之一。 位于石垣岛西北方,漂亮的白沙滩与随着阳光变换蓝绿色的清澈海洋,是非常迷人的景点。 很可惜的是这里的潮流过急不能游泳,但如果搭上玻璃船来观赏清澈的海水的话也是一个难忘的体验。 - www.tripadvisor.jp (日语) I'm a Japanese translator and writer. Besides work and occasional translation projects, I enjoy listening to music (of any kind) and surfing the Internet. 来看看米其林绿色指南今年选出的冲绳旅游景点.

  7. 2017年12月4日 · Tea ceremony, called chado or sado (茶道) in Japanese, literally means the art of tea. The idea behind chado is to not only appreciate tea but the luxury of having the time to fully enjoy it. And like many other cultural activities in Japan, "manners" are our best friend. Here are a few tips to properly appreciate the ceremony! Seki-iri (席入り)