雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民香港的客戶服務團隊多年來致力為不同客戶提供多元化的貸款服務,其真誠及專業的服務態度一直備受肯定,由2017至2022年連續六年獲得由香港客戶中心協會主辦的「神秘客戶評審大獎」金獎。 另外,為持續優化客戶的貸款體驗,邦民香港亦委託獨立市場研究公司為我們的貸款熱線及門市貸款服務作定期評核,結果顯示邦民香港多年來均在私人貸款市場上有高水平的客戶服務表現。 尤其是立足於著重服務質素的香港,作為一間日資貸款公司,我們相信於客戶服務上的高水平表現,更有助於提升客戶貸款的信心。 邦民仔細聽. 只要您有需要,無論任何疑惑困難,邦民都會仔細傾聽,致力幫您解決問題。 今次由邦民仔作為代表,聆聽顧客訴求同需要,協助並提供每位所需。 以下特別揀選不同個案,同大家一齊聆聽各個故事,讓您感受我們細膩親切的服務態度。

  2. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management and marketing management, providing convenient consumer finance, which has always been popular with local customers.

  3. 公立醫院:. 公立醫院收費較為低廉,只要持有香港身份證的合資格人士便可以以較低的收費享受醫療服務。. 而根據醫院管理局網頁,公立醫院的專科門診首次診症為$135,其後每次診症$80,每種藥物$15,自費藥物除外。. 而且有經濟困難而未能負擔公營醫療費用 ...

  4. Instant Personal Loan. In situations where you need cash urgently, Promise's Instant Personal Loan is here to help, offering approval and funds transfer to you online and instantly. The entire loan application process can be completed online, allowing you to obtain cash anytime and anywhere.

  5. Yes, of course. Promise provides a personal loan without income proof especially for self-employed applicants and freelancer. As long as you are 18 years old and you can provide the required information and documents, you will be eligible for the loan application.

  6. 技術支援. 瀏覽所有關於貸款申請﹑利息手續費﹑審批及過數﹑循環貸款及還款的常見問題,讓您了解更多,並解答您對申請私人貸款的疑問,助您立即處理現金週轉問題。

  7. Promise offers reliable and easy personal loan, low-interest debt consolidation loan, revolving loan in Hong Kong. Apply for a personal loan now!

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