雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港童軍總會沙田南第 43 旅 (天主教郭得勝中學) Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School Search Home About Us Mission Core Values Education Goals Language Policy School Calendar Campus Facilities School Notice School Documents Staff List ...

  2. Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School (KTS) (天主教郭得勝中學) is an aided Catholic secondary school using English as the medium of instruction (EMI) (政府津貼英文中學).

  3. 地址:香港新界沙田秦石邨 (港鐵車公廟站 B出口,再步行數分鐘前往學校) Tel 電話: 2605-9033. Fax 傳真: 2605-7956. Email 電郵: info@ktscss.edu.hk. (Except during school and public holidays, responses are typically provided within one week. 除學校及公眾假期外,一般在一星期內發出回覆。. To ...

  4. With the official opening of our new expansion into the new Jubilee Campus (銀禧校園) in 2015, we are providing one-of-its-kind, above-standard learning facilities in the community that provide an exciting learning environment for active learning.

  5. 香港童軍總會沙田南第 43 旅 (天主教郭得勝中學) Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School Search Home About Us Mission Core Values Education Goals Language Policy School Calendar Campus Facilities School Notice School Documents Staff List ...

  6. 申請人只可以向不多於兩所在<申請中一自行分配學位手冊>內列出的中學申請,否則其獲得自行分配學位的機會將被取消。 逾時申請,恕不考慮 。 本校將於 2024年3月27日(星期三) 透過書面及電話通知所有獲本校納入自行分配學位正取名單的學生家長。

  7. 2022年7月24日 · The overall passing rate is 98%, of which 9 subjects are 100%, and the passing rates of the four core subjects of Chinese, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies are 99%, 98%, 98% and 100% respectively. The school offers a total of 16 HKDSE subjects, with a subject average of 53% in attaining Level 4 or above.

  8. 宗旨. 設計精神以文化思想為主線 (明線),能力技巧為副線 (暗線)。. 學生的讀寫範疇以古今名篇為本,具價值的指導性;說聽範疇以當前具爭議性的論題為主,兩者構成文化思想的回顧與前瞻。. 初中單元設計理念,為新高中課程作基礎準備。. 高中單元設計以 ...

  9. Purposes. To develop students’ confidence in using English in a wide variety of contexts. To inspire students to take responsibility for their own self-learning in English. To develop an enjoyment of exploration and encourage a strong reading habit in English.

  10. 2023年1月6日 · We had joined the “The second teenager STEAM competition (from AI to SI)” which is held by Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School, sponsored by Home Affairs Department. We applied “AI’s machine learning” to train machine to recognize photos and audio to make our society become smarter. 1st team,

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