雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2007年—2008年環球金融危機 (英語: Financial crisis of 2007–2008),又稱 2008年世界金融危機 、 次貸危機 、 信用危機 、 2008年華爾街金融危機 、 2008年金融崩潰,在2008年又出現了 金融海嘯 及 華爾街海嘯 等名稱,是一場在2007年8月9日開始浮現的 金融危機 ...

    • 亞洲金融風暴

      亞洲金融風暴 是1997年爆發的一場 金融危機,從1997年7月開 ...

  2. 亞洲金融風暴 是1997年爆發的一場 金融危機,從1997年7月開始席捲 東亞 大部分地區。 1990年代初期資金湧入東南亞,因為實際生產力不如帳面,導致經濟出現泡沫,結果由於 泰國 放棄 固定匯率制 而爆發,隨後進一步波及至鄰近 亞洲 國家的 貨幣 、 股票市場 及其他資產,相關資產的價值也因此暴跌。 該事件在泰國又稱“ 冬陰湯 危機”(泰語: วิกฤตต้มยำกุ้ง)。 [1] 風暴打破了 亞洲經濟 急速發展的幻象,而隨後資本的投資減少,使亞洲各國經濟遭受嚴重打擊,紛紛進入 經濟衰退。 危机还导致社會動盪和政局不穩,一些國家也因此陷入混亂。 除此之外,危機甚至因而影响了 俄羅斯 和 拉丁美洲 經濟。 [2] 背景. [编辑] 参见: 亚洲四小龙 和 亞洲四小虎.

  3. 2007年—2008年環球金融危機(英語: Financial crisis of 2007–2008 ),又稱2008年世界金融危機、次貸危機、信用危機、2008年華爾街金融危機、2008年金融崩潰,在2008年又出現了金融海嘯及華爾街海嘯等名稱,是一場在2007年8月9日開始浮現的金融危機

    • Credit Bubbles and Fixed Currency Exchange Rates
    • Panic Among Lenders and Withdrawal of Credit
    • IMF Role
    • Countries/Regions Affected
    • Consequences
    • See Also
    • Further Reading
    • External Links

    The causes of the debacle are many and disputed. Thailand's economy developed into an economic bubble fueled by hot money. More and more was required as the size of the bubble grew. The same type of situation happened in Malaysia and Indonesia, which had the added complication of what was called "crony capitalism". The short-term capital flow was e...

    The resulting panic among lenders led to a large withdrawal of credit from the crisis countries, causing a credit crunch and further bankruptcies. In addition, as foreign investors attempted to withdraw their money, the exchange market was flooded with the currencies of the crisis countries, putting depreciative pressure on their exchange rates. To...

    The scope and the severity of the collapses led to an urgent need for outside intervention. Since the countries melting down were among the richest in their region, and in the world, and since hundreds of billions of dollars were at stake, any response to the crisis was likely to be cooperative and international. The International Monetary Fund cre...


    From 1985 to 1996, Thailand's economy grew at an average of over 9% per year, the highest economic growth rate of any country at the time. Inflation was kept reasonably low within a range of 3.4–5.7%.The baht was pegged at 25 to the U.S. dollar. On 14 and 15 May 1997, the Thai baht was hit by massive speculative attacks. On 30 June 1997, Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudhsaid that he would not devalue the baht. However, Thailand lacked the foreign reserves to support the USD–Baht currency p...


    In June 1997, Indonesia seemed far from crisis. Unlike Thailand, Indonesia had low inflation, a trade surplus of more than $900 million, huge foreign exchange reserves of more than $20 billion, and a good banking sector. However, a large number of Indonesian corporations had been borrowing in U.S. dollars. This practice had worked well for these corporations during the preceding years, as the rupiahhad strengthened respective to the dollar; their effective levels of debt and financing costs h...

    South Korea

    The banking sector was burdened with non-performing loans as its large corporations were funding aggressive expansions. During that time, there was a haste to build great conglomerates to compete on the world stage. Many businesses ultimately failed to ensure returns and profitability. The chaebol, South Korean conglomerates, simply absorbed more and more capital investment. Eventually, excess debt led to major failures and takeovers. Amongst other stimuli, the crisis resulted in the bankrupt...


    The crisis had significant macroeconomic-level effects, including sharp reductions in values of currencies, stock markets, and other asset prices of several Asian countries. The nominal U.S. dollar GDP of ASEAN fell by $9.2 billion in 1997 and $218.2 billion (31.7%) in 1998. In South Korea, the $170.9 billion fall in 1998 was equal to 33.1% of the 1997 GDP.Many businesses collapsed, and as a consequence, millions of people fell below the poverty line in 1997–1998. Indonesia, South Korea and T...

    Outside Asia

    After the Asian crisis, international investors were reluctant to lend to developing countries, leading to economic slowdowns in developing countries in many parts of the world. The powerful negative shock also sharply reduced the price of oil, which reached a low of about $11 per barrel towards the end of 1998, causing a financial pinch in OPEC nations and other oil exporters. In response to a severe fall in oil prices, the supermajors that emerged in the late-1990s, undertook some major mer...

    Allen, Larry (2009). The Encyclopedia of Money (2nd ed.). ABC-CLIO. pp. 125–127. ISBN 978-1598842517.
    Blustein, Paul (2001). The Chastening: Inside the Crisis that Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF. PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-891620-81-2.
    Delhaise Philippe F. (1998) Asia in Crisis : The Implosion of the Banking and Finance Systems. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-83193-X
    Enkhtungalug, G. and South, David.(1998) Mongolia Update 1998, UNDP Mongolia Communications Office.
  4. 2022年10月16日 · 2008年的金融海嘯(英文:Financial crisis)又稱為2008金融危機次貸危機次貸風暴,引發這場危機的元凶就是就是次級房屋貸款(Subprime Mortgage),當時有超過266萬套房子的屋主無法償還房貸。

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  5. 2007年—2008年環球金融危機 (英語: Financial crisis of 2007–2008),又稱 2008年世界金融危機 、 次貸危機 、 信用危機 、 2008年華爾街金融危機 、 2008年金融崩潰,在2008年又出現了 金融海嘯 及 華爾街海嘯 等名稱,是一場在2007年8月9日開始浮現的 金融危機。. 自 ...

  6. 2007年—2008年環球金融危機 (英語: Financial crisis of 2007–2008 ),又稱 2008年世界金融危機 、 次貸危機 、 信用危機 、 2008年華爾街金融危機 、 2008年金融崩潰 ,在2008年又出現了 金融海嘯 及 華爾街海嘯 等名稱,是一場在2007年8月9日開始浮現的 金融危機 。. 自 ...

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