- 什麼是另類排解程序(ADR)? 基於訴訟費用一般都十分高昂,香港司法制度提供另類排解程序(ADR),作為解決爭議的其他方法,務求將解決爭議所需的費用減至最低,避免當事人支付高昂的堂費。 另類排解程序(ADR)是一個解決爭議的程序,有異議的各方,可以毋須透過法律訴訟來達成協議。
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
How does a mediation settlement work in Hong Kong?
Is arbitration a non-binding dispute resolution?
Can a party represent themselves in arbitration or mediation in Hong Kong?
Where can I find a list of Arbitrators & Mediators in Hong Kong?
Are arbitration awards enforceable in Hong Kong?
1. 什麼是另類排解程序(ADR)? 基於訴訟費用一般都十分高昂,香港司法制度提供另類排解程序(ADR),作為解決爭議的其他方法,務求將解決爭議所需的費用減至最低,避免當事人支付高昂的堂費。 另類排解程序(ADR)是一個解決爭議的程序,有異議的各方,可以毋須透過法律訴訟來達成協議。 另類排解的概念是各方透過另類排解程序,可以減少進行法律訴訟時所花費的時間及開支。 最常見的另類排解程序,有仲裁及調解。 仲裁是一個法律程序,由一名或多名仲裁員,並不是由法官,向受損害的一方發出裁決。 仲裁裁決是最終決定,並且對涉及的各方具約束力,涉及的各方只有在非常例外的情況下,可以推翻仲裁裁決。 仲裁裁決與法庭判決的地位相若,仲裁裁決可以近似法庭判決的方式,強制執行。
Alternative Dispute Resolution is a dispute resolution process whereby the disagreeing parties can come to an agreement short of litigation. The idea is that using ADR can minimize the time and costs involved in litigation.
Alternative Dispute Resolution is a dispute resolution process whereby the disagreeing parties can come to an agreement short of litigation. The idea is that using ADR can minimize the time and costs involved in litigation. The most common forms of ADR are arbitration and mediation.
This leaflet aims to provide a brief concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how it applies to certain civil proceedings in the District Court (the Court). What is ADR? An underlying objective of the Rules of the District Court (RDC) is to facilitate the settlement of disputes.
We have remained at the forefront of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) law for more than 20 years, having launched one of the world’s first dedicated ADR legal practices committed to settling disputes, whether pursued independently or in parallel to litigation or
《區域法院規則《區院規則其中一項基本目標是利便解決爭議。 作為積極管理案件的一個範疇,區院有職(相關職責) 其相關職責。 甚麼是調解? 調解有甚麼好處? ・ 風險; ・・ 遵守協議的內容; ・ 綜合調解辦事處. 辦公時間.. 星期一至星期五 上午9 時至下午1 地址.. 香港灣仔港灣道12. 1 樓113室 電話.. 2180 8066. 各方所接受的和解。 辦公時間及聯絡資料. 藉鼓勵訴訟各方在區院認為合適的情況下使用另類排解爭議程序,並透過利便其使用以達成該目標。 區院亦有責任協助訴訟各方就. 另類排解爭議程序是一個過程,讓訴訟各方協議委任一名第三者. 號灣仔政府大樓時;下午. 和解協議的條款可保密和不外洩。
ODR is a process that utilises technologies in a full spectrum of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services including negotiation, mediation, arbitration and others.