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    IPA [ˈæntlə(r)]

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  2. The antler grows out of the pedicles and, during its formation, is covered with hairy skin called velvet that’s pinky-grey in colour and packed with blood vessels and nerves, making them highly sensitive to the touch – a stag in velvet is still sometimes referred to by

  3. Antlers are bony appendages, re-grown each year, used in fights for dominance. Summary Antlers are bony structures, distinct from horns, unique to deer and carried by the males of most species – exceptions include the Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) and the Musk deer (Moschus sp.), neither of which possess antlers, and the reindeer or caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in which both sexes ...

  4. Such specimens almost never appear in the wild and antler sets like this are characteristic of well-fed and selectively-bred park deer; Woburn Abbey, in this case. - Credit: Marc Baldwin The rate of antler growth varies according to conditions, but may be as high as six centimetres (2.5 inches) per day in prime stags living in good conditions.

  5. Obviously, antler morphology is only of any benefit during certain seasons, and if the animal you're trying to age is a male, even then there can still be some ambiguity associated with antler measurements. Consequently, biologists turned their attention to teeth.

  6. More details on the influence of hormones on antler development and rutting behaviour can be found in the corresponding QAs. The deer cast their antlers between March and May—the precise date is dependent upon age and social rank such that older, more dominant males cast their antlers (often several weeks) before younger ones—when increasing day length leads to a drop in their blood ...

  7. www.wildlifeonline.me.uk › animals › speciesRed deer - Wildlife Online

    Antler Cycle: Antlers cast March to mid-May (peak mid-March to mid-April). Grown during the summer and velvet shed July/August. Activity: Primarily crepuscular, with the most active feeding done between dusk and dawn.

  8. www.wildlifeonline.me.uk › animals › speciesRoe deer - Wildlife Online

    Antler Cycle: Antlers cast October-December (peak in November) and re-grown during winter; velvet shed mid-February/March. Activity: Feed throughout day and night, but peak of activity is crepuscular. Spend long periods lying up to ruminate.

  9. Antler Cycle: Antlers cast late March to late May (peak in April); velvet shed during August. Activity: Active throughout day and night, with peak at dawn and dusk. Much time spent in woodland and surrounding grassland. Habitat: Areas of mixed or deciduous

  10. Remains of one of the world’s oldest known antler-shedding deer, Dicrocerus elegans, were found in European sediment deposits dating back to between 15 and 30 mya; these were small deer, similar to the muntjacs we see today, and it has been suggested

  11. More recently, in 2003, Ming Li and her team published a cytochrome b dataset in Acta Theriologica that supported the emergence of water deer from an antlered ancestral line and later, in his 2005 revision of the scheme, Grubbs updated his stance, placing the

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