arbitration course hku 相關
廣告學歷資格與英國主校相同,適合持高級文憑/副學士(商科)兼讀英國新特蘭大學學士學位,立即諮詢。 課程度身配合在職人士,包括人力資源、市場學、會計及商業管理。掌握未來職業技能,助你升職加薪
Graduates obtain professional accreditation with HKMAAL, CIARb and HKIA upon fulfilling course prerequisites. In addition, leading arbitration thinkers, practitioners, specialists and alumni contribute to a dynamic array of teaching and seminars throughout the
Founded in 2007, the LL.M. Degree in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution has been internationally recognized as a leading provider of dispute resolution teaching and research. Graduates obtain certifications with HKMAAL, CIARb and HKIA.
How are arbitration and dispute resolution courses taught?
Who teaches LLM in arbitration & dispute resolution?
What is the purpose of the arbitration law course?
Is Hong Kong a good place to arbitrate a commercial dispute?
What is a LLM in arbitration & dispute resolution?
Who accredits the Postgraduate Diploma in arbitration / arbitration & mediation?
The following five courses of the LLM(Arb&DR) programme have been included in the list of reimbursable courses for the HKSAR Government Continuing Education Fund (CEF) purposes: Arbitration Law (CEF Course Code: 21Z07655-8) Arbitration Practice
- General Course Information
- Learning Outcomes
- Assessment
- Learning Activities
- Learning Resources
1.1 Course details 1.2 Course description The aim of the Arbitration Law course is to provide students with sufficient knowledge and understanding of the law of arbitration. During the course, the students will focus on the dispute resolution process, as set out in more detail in the syllabus, including the following ADR methods: 1. Negotiation; 2....
2.1 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this course CLO 1Knowledge and Understanding 1. To enhance understanding of arbitration as a private consent-based method of resolving disputes 2. To introduce the fundamental principles of arbitration law set out in detail in the syllabus below. 3. To introduce the importance of the Hong Kong Arbitration Ord...
3.1 Assessment Summary 3.2 Assessment Detail To be advised by the convenor(s). 3.3 Grading Criteria Please refer to the following link:
4.1 Learning Activity Plan Remarks: the normative student study load per credit unit is 25 ± 5 hours (ie. 150 ± 30 hours for a 6-credit course), which includes all learning activities and experiences within and outside of classroom, and any assessment task and examinations and associated preparations. 4.2 Details of Learning Activities To be advise...
5.1 Resources 5.2 Links Please refer to the following link:
- LLAW6138
- LLM Programme
- Arbitration Law
- First
In order to train professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills and expertise in dispute resolution methods, particularly negotiation, mediation and arbitration, the HKU Faculty of law introduced an innovative cross-disciplinary Master of Laws programme specializing in arbitration and dispute resolution in September 2007 under the direction...
HKU SPACE has been offering a wide range of arbitration and mediation programmes, from short courses to postgraduate diploma level for over 15 years. The Postgraduate Diploma in Arbitration / Arbitration and Mediation programmes are accredited by The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and those who have successfully completed either one ...
This course will consider the international and domestic legal framework for international commercial arbitration, as well as the broader regime including international arbitration rules, international arbitration institutions and organizations and international arbitration practices.