雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年6月19日 · Structural Standard Drawings. Home of Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

  2. 香港特別行政區政府, 建築署的主頁 BrandHK 可持續發展報告 2023 綠色機構 香港環保卓越計劃 人才企業 同心展關懷 建造業關愛機構 遵守2A級無障礙圖示,萬維網聯盟(W3C)- 無障礙網頁倡議(WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 數碼無障礙嘉許計劃 City Partnership Scheme 2022

  3. 建築署 | Architectural Services Department

  4. www.cedd.gov.hk › eng › publicationsCEDD Standard Drawings

    2024年6月19日 · Drawing No. Drawing Title. C 2001G. Concrete Planter Wall This link will open in new window (168KB) C 2002/1F. Stone Facing to Concrete Surfaces (Sheet 1 of 2) This link will open in new window (468KB) C 2002/2C. Stone Facing to Concrete Surfaces (Sheet 2 of 2) This link will open in new window (167KB) C 2003/1B.

  5. 2024年5月9日 · 介紹. 建築工程規格資料庫輯錄了用於新發展工程合約的建築物料及造工規格。 資料庫的內容會不時更新,並於每隔數年頒佈新的版本。 「建築工程規格資料庫 2022 版」 (SL2022) (初版) 於 2022 年 4 月正式頒佈生效,用於由 2022 年 6 月之後招標之房屋委員會新發展工程合約。 建築工程規格資料庫分作下列十個主庫: 下載. 建築工程規格資料庫 2018 版 (第1批次) 建築工程規格資料庫 2018 版 (第2批次) 建築工程規格資料庫 2022 版 (第1批次) 建築工程規格資料庫 2022 版 (第2批次) Specification Library,Business Partnerships,Resources,香港房屋委員會及房屋署.

  6. The Design Manual : Barrier Free Access 1997 sets out the design requirements of providing proper access to and appropriate facilities in a building for persons with a disability and other sectors of the population including the elderly, who at times require the same provisions as persons with a disability.

  7. This is a one-stop service to help you access and locate those standardised components and modular components that have been successfully used in construction, and find out the standardised practices, including standard designs, construction methods, and techniques adopted in the construction industry. This section contains a standardisation ...

  8. This document presents the standards to be used in the structuring and naming of CAD data and for creating, editing and plotting drawings under the CAD Standard for Works Projects [CSWP]. 1.2 APPLICABILITY 1.2.1 The standards are applicable to all types

  9. 2019年2月1日 · Computer-Aided-Drafting Standard for Works Projects (CSWP) Promulgation of the CAD Standard for Works Projects.

  10. provide guidance on compliance with relevant standards and statutory requirements, including those relating to environmental, energy efficiency, health and safety aspects. 1.6 In 2002, the ArchSD rolled out a plan to progressively outsource the

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