雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. Discover Your Perfect Oven Air Fryer today, find high-quality options on our website. Oven Air Fryer with Multiple Preset Cooking Modes & Energy Efficiency


  1. Explore Oven features. Inspired by generations of wood fire ovens. The shape of our ovens, with a vaulted ceiling and completely flat backside and door, allows for a more even circulation of hot air. Since the food is heated evenly and vigorously from all sides, it is always perfectly done: crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.

    • Oven Features

      All ASKO ovens feature an interior cavity inspired by ...

  2. ASKO烤箱擁有基於TFT觸控式螢幕的獨特交互體驗,常用功能觸手可及。 介面簡單,易於使用,便於您享受所有特點和功能。 這樣的智慧烤箱就是您的烹飪小幫手。

  3. ASKOs combination steam ovens offer a healthy way of cooking with steam and/or hot air. The safe and ergonomic Dual Soft Close function is extremely helpful when handling hot plates and dishes. The long-lasting door dampers are integrated in the chassis for easy cleaning.

  4. All ASKO ovens feature an interior cavity inspired by generations of wood fire ovens. The shape of our ovens, with a vaulted ceiling and completely flat backside and door, allows for a more even circulation of hot air.

  5. OP8676S高溫熱解烤箱採用高級琺瑯XL內槽和頂部雙層紅外線加熱器,可實現最佳烹飪和烘焙效果。. 它還具有82個預設的自動程序和玻璃門板緩衝系統設計。. 為了您的安全,該型號還具有3層完全可伸縮的伸縮導軌,便於使用。. 只需使用ASKO 高溫自清功能程序進行 ...

  6. 高溫熱解烤箱. 高溫熱解自動清潔,省時省力. 就像您廚房內使用的其他烹飪工具一樣,烤箱也需要定期清潔。. 這時,您的ASKO高溫熱解烤箱就能派得上用場。. 高溫熱解自潔程式期間,烤箱內高溫熱解高達465 °C,所有的油脂和殘留物都被燒至灰燼,只需最後輕輕 ...

  7. ASKO 烤箱的後壁和門採用平面設計。這有助於分配熱空氣以均勻烹飪食物並且易於清潔。 產品規格 結構和性能 烤箱類型 Multisystem oven 最大限度。烤箱溫度 300 C 溫度探頭 有 Interaction and control 定時器 全彩全觸控顯示屏 程式 Heating type

  8. 其他人也問了

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