雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [ɔː]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 敬畏 to watch/listen in awe 敬畏地看/聽

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 使敬畏 to be awed by sth. 敬畏某事物
  2. 澐.NUVA主打高級中式精緻餐飲 (Chinese fine dining),位處大嶼山海旁,環抱180度醉人景致,讓你一邊享用美酒佳餚,一邊融入海天一色的寫意氛圍,享受身處大自然的悠然一刻。. 網上訂座. 作為享負盛名的展覽及會議場地,亞洲國際博覽館全面展現最先進完備設施 ...

  3. a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise. 敬畏;驚奇,驚嘆. I've always held musicians in awe. 我對音樂家們總是肅然起敬。. As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather. 小時候,我們對祖父非常敬畏。. You can't help but stand in awe of (= respect greatly and fear slightly) powerful ...

  4. a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise. 敬畏;惊奇,惊叹. I've always held musicians in awe. 我对音乐家们总是肃然起敬。. As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather. 小的时候,我们对祖父非常敬畏。. You can't help but stand in awe of (= respect greatly and fear slightly ...

  5. AweSun 是安全穩定的遠端連線軟體,可以為使用者提供遠端控制,支持遠端桌面訪問的應用程序,無論用於個人或商業用途皆免費.

  6. C2. a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise. 敬畏;驚奇,驚嘆. I've always held musicians in awe. 我對音樂家們總是肅然起敬。. As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather. 小時候,我們對祖父非常敬畏。. You can't help but stand in awe of (= respect greatly and fear slightly ...

  7. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供awe的中文意思,awe的用法讲解,awe的读音,awe的同义词,awe的反义词,awe的例句等英语服务。.

  8. a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise. 敬畏;惊奇,惊叹. I've always held musicians in awe. 我对音乐家们总是肃然起敬。. As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather. 小的时候,我们对祖父非常敬畏。. You can't help but stand in awe of (= respect greatly and fear slightly ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了