雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This is the first Chinese Bible translated by Chinese Biblical scholars directly from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages into modern Chinese ever in the history of the Chinese churches. The translation project was kicked off in 1972 by the New Chinese Bible Centre and the whole Bible was completed and published in 1992 by the Tien Dao ...

  2. Version Information. This Bible is in the public domain in the United States. We have no further information about its publication history, but are making it available in the same format in which we acquired it as a public service.

  3. The Chinese Standard Bible is an all-new Chinese Bible translation, translated from the original biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and faithfully captures the meaning and authentically preserves the style of the original languages.

  4. [箴4:1-2]孩子們,要聽父親的訓誨,留心明白道理。 因我給你們好的教訓,不可離棄我的教誨。 [箴4:6]不可離棄智慧,智慧就庇護你,要愛她,她就保護你。 [箴4:18]義人的路好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到正午。 [詩127:3]兒女是耶和華所賜的福分,所懷的胎是他的賞賜。 [瑪4:6]他必使父親的心轉向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親。 [箴17:6]子孫為老人的冠冕;父母是兒女的榮耀。 [箴15:20]智慧之子使父親喜樂;愚昧的人藐視母親。 和合本網路聖經.

  5. 聖經 中文和合本 The Holy Bible Chinese Union Version (Ho Ho Ben) Big5 Encoding 聖 經 中英對照 英文欽定譯本 簡易英文譯本 簡體中文和合本 繁體中文和合本 聖經學習工具 聖經查詢 聖經記憶 每日查經 聖經資源 下載聖經 ...

  6. The CHINESE STANDARD BIBLE© is a project of the Global Bible Initiative organized by a team of prominent Bible scholars and linguistic experts, benefiting from the most up-to-date technology. 《 中文標準譯本 ©》是一本全新的中文聖經譯本;是從聖經原文(希伯來文、亞蘭文和希臘文)直接翻譯過來,最大程度上忠實於原文,保持原有的語言風格,符合現代漢語規範,適合於各種文化程度的人士;是現今最為準確、可讀性最強的中文聖經譯本之一。

  7. Chinese (Traditional) 閱讀 RCUV 聆聽 RCUV. 分享. Revision project of the Chinese Union Version (CUV) started from 1985 by the United Bible Societies. In 2000, Hong Kong Bible Society took up the responsibilities in providing financial and ongoing support for the revision project.

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