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  2. 位於加拿芬「Body Tune」,面積超過二千五百呎,鄰近多個購物商場和港鐵站,絕對適合一眾生活緊張的都市人前來忙裡偷閒。 前往方法 地鐵尖沙咀站B2出口出,向右行。

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  4. Body Tune. 1 review. #98 of 226 Spas & Wellness in Hong Kong. Spas. Write a review. What people are saying. “ Best massage I've ever gotten. Jan 2020. I highly recommend Body Tune to anyone that needs a massage. It is very professional and has very nice decor and friendly staff. This is the best massage I have ever received.

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    • 1F, 40-42, Carnarvon Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
  5. 香港Body TuneTripadvisor網上在香港1,487個旅遊景點中排名第1,487 , 看看關於Body Tune則評論、文章和張照片。.

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    • Attraction
  6. Body Tune: Best massage I've ever gotten. - See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Hong Kong, China, at Tripadvisor.

    • 1F, 40-42, Carnarvon Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong,, China
  7. Body Tune. 1 review. #94 of 219 Spas & Wellness in Hong Kong. Spas. Write a review. What people are saying. “ Best massage I've ever gotten. Jan 2020. I highly recommend Body Tune to anyone that needs a massage. It is very professional and has very nice decor and friendly staff. This is the best massage I have ever received.

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