雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bootham School is all about getting the very best – intellectually, personally, spiritually – from the young people it is privileged to care for, and setting them on a road of lifelong flourishing and fulfillment, to the benefit of society as well as themselves. It is a lovely

  2. 創校於 1823 年,Bootham School York 是一所位於英格蘭北部城市 York 的寄宿學校,公開試成績相當優異。York 是英格蘭著名的歷史古城,市內充滿懷舊氣息的街道和中古文物建築,所以每年有不少遊客慕名以來。

  3. Bootham School is a private Quaker boarding school, on Bootham in the city of York in England. It accepts boys and girls ages 3–19 and had an enrolment of 605 pupils in 2016. It is one of seven Quaker schools in England. The school was founded by the

  4. A nurturing boarding school for girls and boys in years 7-13, we provide a warm and friendly environment, run on sensible lines with normal family common sense applied. As a co-educational boarding school, we have separate houses for girls and boys, each with two resident staff, alongside day staff and resident graduate assistants.

  5. Boarding at Bootham. Senior boarding at Bootham is often described as a “home away from home.”. The school has three boarding houses, providing homely and comfortable accommodation in elegant Georgian buildings. Each house has a common room, kitchen facilities, a student laundry and Wi-Fi.

  6. www.britannia-study.com › school › bootham-schoolBootham School - 英識教育

    Bootham School, York 由基督教教會Quaker成立,為 3-19 歲的學童提供教育,致力建立師生間互信。 Bootham 座落於 York 中心區域的男女私立學,而 York 是以優雅建築聞名。 辦學宗旨. Bootham School 不單關注學業成績及知識,同樣著重正確的道德觀念。 作為教友會學校之一,Bootham 鼓勵學生發展創意思維,和平意識以及建立自信心。 學校希望能幫助學生發掘獨特的個性及天賦,並盡其所能回饋社會。 學術發展. Bootham School 學生在 GCSE 和 A-Level 均取得傑出成績。 2016 年 A-Level 取得 A*-A 的學生佔 43%,A*-B 則佔 76%。 GCSE 的成績亦不俗,A*-A 佔 54%。

  7. 2023年11月24日 · Bootham School被英國Telegraph選為全英十大最「抵讀」的寄宿學校之一,學費為28,115鎊,學費不高之餘又提供高質素教育,成為家長近年來的北方學校焦點之一。 曾有一位「做足功課」的家長來問我:「Samuel,Bootham上年A-Level A*至A只有四成,GCSE A*至A只有六成,怎看都不算名校之列,為何我的朋友說這學校很好呢? 」重點就在於,英國學校主張的「高質素教育」並非只依據成績去決定,更重要的是學生有否在學習過程中受到啟發? 個人專長是否有足夠發展空間? 而Bootham School則在這幾點之中都做得甚佳,能在多方面取得平衡。

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